Chapter 34.

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Chapter 34.



"Why you want to know?" Asim asked with confused look. We are sitting in my office. It has been a week to that incident. I tried to ask Khadija about Ayaz but she is not telling me anything. She is afraid to tell me and I couldn't understand?

"Just tell me Asim." I was getting annoyed by his questions. I asked him to come here to meet Khadija. He arrived here 2 hours ago and I didn't let him meet her now. I have to ask everything about Ayaz first than I let him leave to meet her.

"Is something happen to Khadija? How do you even know about Ayaz?" He asked suspiciously. I sighed heavily. I told him everything that happened here. I know if I didn't tell him he never tell me about Ayaz.

"What? This all happen with her and you are telling me now? Is she okay? Did he hurt her?" He asked worriedly.

"No, nothing serious happen. He cut her hands and write his name." I told him with anger. No matter how many weeks or years passed to this incident I will always see my mistake in it. If I hadn't leave home then it wouldn't happen. If I give sometime to her then this wouldn't happen.

"Where were you when this all is happening?" He look mad at me but I didn't care because I know it is my fault. I tell him about having a lot of work and couldn't give time to Khadija.

"Ayaz is her cousin and he was 5 years old then her. I think he maybe of 28 or 29 right now. Here is the picture of him." He said giving me his phone where Ayaz picture was open. He look in his late 20's. He was standing in corner talking on phone. His eyes were dark brown and cold with an evil smirk on his face. He wasn't looking at camera. It look like Asim capture it hiding somewhere.

"When you get that?" I asked him looking at background. The background was of some different place.

"When I was away on tour. He was following me. He wants me dead because I am close to Khadija. He warned me to stay away from her but I couldn't. She is my best friend and my sister." His face soften from hard when he mention about his and Khadija relation. I still look like stupid to think they are together but I feel jealous of him for being too close to her.

"Oh... You can go to meet her." I said and press the button under my desk to unlock door. It was a button lock. I press the button to lock door when I don't want to see anyone or to have private conversation.

"Thank you so much sir." He rolled his eyes and get up to leave. After he walk away my phone vibrate on table. I take it and frowned when I had a message from Asim. He just walk out. If he want to say anything he could come back. I unlock my phone and saw it was an attach file. I open it and saw Ayaz photo. I smirked when I read his message.

'It will help you to find him out. All the best and beat him so he never think about her ever again.'

'I will. Thanks for the photo.' I replied back and copy the picture on my laptop. I send it through the email to one of my best worker who finds people to make news about them. I told him to find him soon.

'He won't be able to hide any longer.' I promised myself and went back to my work.

I went home at 8 pm. It was late to get home from office but I don't have worry to about her. I park the car in parking and went in building. When elevator came I step into it and went up to my apartment. When I open door I was surprised to see lights off.

"Khadija." I call her but didn't get any response. My heart starts to beat faster. Fear of someone hurt her again build inside me. I check all room but she wasn't there. I went in kitchen but she wasn't there. I was about to leave when I notice a note on fridge. I take it and read it.

'I am on building roof. I have something planned for you. Fresh up and come.


It says and I could feel my worried face getting relaxed and a small smile on my lips.

I ran in room and take a quick shower. I put on some dark jeans and a simple shirt. I put on my shoes and went out to go up on roof where she had something for me. Well, according to rules, I will be the one to plan something for her but before I could plan it she already did it for me. I was thinking what she had planned for me? Why she is doing this for me? I mean, I told her I love her but she never give me a hint for her loving me back.

I don't know long I was thinking but when I heard ding I find myself on roof. I take a deep breath and open the door. I used to come here when I get tired by studying. I walk on my right as I saw an arrow on front wall indicating on right. I keep walking but soon stop on what I saw.

There she was standing in a long red dress. She didn't wear her hijab. She had light make and her hairs were open in loose curls. She was standing next to table and two chairs with two hanging light on sides and some lanterns were placed on ground. Table and chair were covered with white cloth and some dishes were placed on table.

I slowly start walking without taking my eyes from her. I don't know she could plan all this. I always thought she was shy and were not able to do anything but she proved me wrong.

"Um... H-hello Rauhan." She stutter and smile nervously. If this isn't romantic then I would laugh at her nervousness but right now it is cute to see her like that.

"Khadija, what is all about?" I asked pointing to everything. I saw her getting panicked. I mentally slap myself for not thinking before saying.

"I... I w-want to thank y-you for everything you had done for m-me." She stuttered a little and look down. I smile and my heart swelled up of her thinking about me.

"You don't have to thank me. What I do is to protect you. I love you Khadija and I will always protect you." I told looking straight into her eyes. I saw her sighing in relief and a small blush on her cheeks.

"Come sit." She says. I nodded and first make her sit then I seated myself across her.

"I don't know about your favorite dish so I asked Hira Bhabhi. I made it for you, hope you like it." She says serving my favorite food in plate in front of me. While she was doing I was looking at her. I will never get bored looking at her all my life.

"Eat." She order me softly. I nodded and pick my fork to eat it. It was delicious. I only like it when Mom made for me and Khadija was good but not better then Mom. Thinking about Mom make me sick for not being with her. Why my Mom is stubborn? Why she doesn't accept my choice?

"It is really nice." I comment when I notice her waiting for me to tell her. She smiled and start eating. We share a talk about our favorites things. She told me some incident of her and Asim when they were little. She told me about Yasir and his other sister. I thought she must be angry because her sister break her marriage but she is not. I can see, she miss her sister by the look on her face. She also tell me about the proposal she got before our marriage. I am happy that she didn't hide anything from me.

After what feel like hours we decide to go down back. It was an amazing dinner. We stood up and ready to go down but stop when she had to say something. She bite her lips nervously and step forward. She was looking directly in my eyes. She is few feets short from me but her heels made her my height.

She wrapped her arms around my neck making me surprise. We hugged before but I was the one who always hug first. Slowly but I also hugged her back and inhale her sweet scent. I was so lost in hugging her I didn't realise she say something which shock me.

"I love you Rauhan."


Update! I hope you all like it. Please tell me what you all think about this chapter. Next Chapter will be out tomorrow. Thank you for supporting me.


Our Fate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang