And the Wish is Remembered

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"Sparrow!" a frantic voices call out as my forehead collides with the side of my caravan. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"FORGETTING, DAMN IT!" I yell back, slamming my head against the wood again. I repeat several times until a hand grabs my arm, yanking me back. I feel strong arms lock together, holding me back. I hear people whispering and children crying for me to stop hurting myself. Damn it, they think I'm going crazy again.

"You can let me go now, Lance," I tell to the owner of the arms. I feel him tighten his grip and sigh. "I'm fine now, really." I move my foot around, trying to have a sense of where he's standing. "So let me go!" I yell as I find his leg and kick it out from under, sending him to the ground from what I can tell from the noise.

I hear laughing as I reach my hand down to where I think Lance is. "Sparrow, your butt is in my face," a deep, smooth voice informs me from behind. Flustered, I spin around and nail in him in what I think is the face. "Disgusting Lance," I mumble as I reach my hand down. He takes my hand and pulls me down with him instead of getting up. Stupid, really.

"You're not getting away with just helping me up," he whispers, his lips just barely brushing against mine as he speaks. I pull away from him, but he pulls me into a hug, locking me in place once again. "Oh come on, Sparrow, I was just teasing," he says apologetically, letting go.

Someone helps me up and by the sudden chill I can say that it's Theresa. Something about her makes her different from everyone else. It's as if she's not completely human. But of course, I shouldn't be saying that about her, she took me in, she raised me, she helped me so much. If she's not human she's at least better than one.

"Sparrow," her grave voice says, sounding wise and ancient as ever. I swear, she could say anything and it'd should wise. 'Kick that chicken' or 'eat glass' would should like brilliance coming from her. "It's time."

"For what?" I ask, suddenly getting worried. I sense Lance stand up and step closer and now he's holding my hand, but I don't pay attention. "What's happening, Theresa? Are you okay? Did you you know, see anything?" Of course she didn't really see anything. She's blind, the only other one in this camp, it's her foresight that I classify as seeing. No, I'm just worried that something is really wrong. She seems off today. This whole week actually.

"It is time for you to avenge your sister."

What? She was actually listening to my ranting? Did Lance convince her to help? Does she just feel pity? Does she think that I'm ready to take him on? I think I'm ready to take him on. I've been preparing for this day every since I came out of the coma. But why now? I've already asked her several times where Lucien disappeared to so that I could get revenge long ago and she refuses to speak of the matter.

Until now, of course.

"Really? So you're letting me go? I've been waiting so long for this! Do you know where he is? Can you give me advice on how to defeat him? I mean, of course defeating him will be easy, but you know, just to make it quicker so that I can celebrate sooner. And what about-"

"You really can never shut that pie hole of yours, can you?" Lance asks, rubbing my hair. I return the favor by punching him in the stomach, but end up hitting the air the first couple of swings.

I've been alive for surprisingly eighteen years and I still can't get used to my terrible eyes.

Lance led me to the gates of our camp as Theresa spoke about boring details. Something about final tests and hero stuff and symbols? I don't know. I'm not one for listening to conversations when all I need is a cleaver and a map. One of the worst things in the world is any sort of lecture. It's almost as bad as winters.

"Good luck," a man says to me as he pats me on the back. Suddenly I'm being pushed forwards by Lance and Theresa keeps going on with the chatter. Am I really leaving the camp? I've never left it in the ten years that I've been here. Not once. Theresa never let me out of her sight-I mean.... Whatever. Anyways, everyone else agreed with her. Even Lance! Apparently I would fall into a ditch without realizing it as beetles ate my face off if I were to step out of the fence.

"Wait," I say, shrugging Lance off me. "Where's Daisy? She should be here by now." And just as if she had heard me, Daisy's familiar bark comes out from behind my and I feel her nuzzle into my hand as I greet her. "Okay, keep going."

We end up taking our separate ways as we reach the lake. Theresa had actually left even before that so it was just me and Lance, Daisy too. "So," I begin. "I guess this is goodbye, Lance." He holds my hands in his own and I gently kiss his cheek...which ended up being his mouth. I quickly pull myself away. "I am so sorry, I-" And for some reason he kisses me back. I guess just to shut me up.

"Don't get killed, okay?" he commands, hugging me to him. "I'll miss you little Sparrow. Who'll I tease now?" He kisses the top of my head and I can feel his heartbeat slow down as he sighs. "Just don't get killed."

I step back and smile at him. Why he looks after an idiot like me and puts up with me for a decade is beyond me. "I won't, okay? And I'll come visit, maybe bring back some trinkets and candies, okay?" He squeezes my hand as he leads me across the lake. "Lots and lots of candy, you hear? And make sure that there's no alcohol in them. You know how I am when I'm drunk." I laugh as I nod. And then we reach the small island in the middle of the lake and he lifts me onto the land.

"Goodbye Lance."

"Goodbye, my Sparrow."

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