Taken From Me

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"I know your in pain but you can cannot, absolutely cannot do this to yourself, you've got to get up and find him".
" you don't understand how it feels to lose someone that you love. You have never lost someone that you love, so you cannot possibly tell me how I feel and when and how I should be moving on with my life".
" I do understand completely that's why I'm here for you supporting you and I'm telling you we have to find him. " don't you think I know that Claire it's hard it's really hard you know, I'm trying, we have spent nine months looking for him, it's my fault I should have never let this happen".
" Moriah snap out of it we are going to get through this together no matter how hard, how long it takes we will find him".
" Now get up and lets go, i know this lady her name is Janette Young she works for a firm, and agreed to help us find Aaiden".
"Great Claire, another person you hired to try to help, No body is going to be able to help us dont you know that by now, understand we have been looking for Aaiden for almost 10 months now, dont forget the F.B.I. have had us waiting for this long without even a phone call on an update".
"Moriah i have an idea instead of asking for help, why dont we become our own help". Finally Claire you've came up with something reasonable...but where do we start".
"The F.B.I. we can ask them to locate Aaiden and find out where exactly he is at, Tell them Martin, Aaiden's father has tooken off with your son, they said they were going to Las Vegas for Circus Circus at Adventuredome, but we live in Pasadena, California he would literally he would have to be going east for Nevada right".
" yeah that sounds about right but first let's start by going to the FBI and finding out and his location so let's go get my keys".
"Hello my name is Moriah Hyatt-Royal, I was here last week November 22nd, about my son I would like to speak to Agent Miller".
" Ma'am do you have an appointment with with agent Miller.
" No I'm sorry I called him, but he didn't give me a call back, and so I came in to speak with him if that's okay".
" it's fine ma'am although because you dont have an appointment we are going to have to ask you to sit in the waiting room and wait for him".
" that's fine".
(45 minuets later)
"Mrs. Hyatt-Royal".
"Thats me im coming, is Agent Miller ready".
"Yes right threw the double doors there".
"Okay thank you".
(conversation with Agent Miller)
"Hello Agent Miller, long time no see, right. Have you located where Aaiden is".
"Yes we have Aaiden is in the capital of China, Beijing , we have gotten in contact with the Chinese President and he has agreed to look for Ip Cheng, that's all the information I have to give to you at this moment Mrs. Hyatt-Royal have a good day".
"Thank you have a good day and i'll try too without my 11 year old son once again".

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