Chapter Eight

Começar do início

"Who Mason?" He nods silently and I smile "We were just doing homework, he's one of my friends" I don't why I feel like I need to explain myself to him but I do. "Why did you want to see me?"

"I want to take you somewhere" He stands closely to me, his voice more friendly than it was before. He looks as handsome and finely dressed as he always does.  "It won't take long."

"Right now?" I glance at watch on my wrist before looking back up at him. "It's a school night."

"Do you ever break the rules?" He lifts an eyebrow and I know a blush is beginning to spread across my cheeks.  "Or do anything remotely fun?"

"I'm a very fun person" I answer, "and I do break the rules - sometimes." He's smirks, obviously not believing my lie and I have to stop myself from staring at how good looking he is when he does that. "Okay, maybe I'm slightly boring."

"Break the rules with me Grace" He steps closer towards me and I'm frozen in place as I stare up at him. "Please, I want to show you something."

"I don't know Xavier, it's late" I try to think rationally and listen to Masons advice. I find it hard to think straight when Xavier smiles at me.

"Please" he whispers again, I don't think I've ever heard that word escape his mouth this many times. "I know there's a wild side in you somewhere."

I should say no, I know I should, but I've never broken the rules before and part of me is excited by his offer. A very large part of me.

"Fine, I'll come" I bite my lip when his smile widens. It reveals a set of perfectly straight teeth and dimples that makes any part of my rational brain that was left disappear.


"My parents are going to kill me" I whisper, folding my arms across my chest. Xavier drives us to who knows where through the dark streets.

"Relax Grace, they won't even know" he answers, his dark eyes flicker to mine before concentrating back on the road again.

"Will you at least tell me where you're taking me?"

"It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises, especially late at night with gang leaders" Xavier scoffs at my statement but says nothing in return.

"You could be taking me to the slaughter house for all I know."

"I'm not taking you to the slaughter house Grace" Xavier rolls his eyes but his tone is soft. "Have a little more faith in me."

"We're so far out of town" I whisper, I barely even know where we are.

"I promise it's safe" he glances at me again and I try to stop the tingles that spread across my body. "It's not that far from here."

I glance around at the forest of trees on either side of us, we're miles away from anywhere I recognise and there's nothing but more forest ahead of us.


"Okay, we're here" Xavier announces after we drove for another good five minutes straight up a stoney gravel road.

"We are?" I whisper, there is nothing but dark forest around us and I can't help but swallow. What is this plaice?

Xavier doesn't answer, instead he gets out of the car and waits for me to follow him. The two parts of my brain argue with each other, the logical part screams at me to jump in the drivers seat and drive as far away from here as possible. I'm in an isolated, dark forest with a guy I've only met a few times that does illegal things for a living. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to the irrational side of my brain.

Dangerous BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora