"Are you guys together?" I nodded, setting off another frenzy of squeals. I smilede but rolled my eyes as the girls asked more questions.

"Was the way he asked you out romantic?" I shrugged.

"Have you gone on any dates yet?" I shook my head.

"Hey, can I, uh, have my girlfriend back?" Nico asked sarcastically while coming up to us and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded and he took my hand in his arm that was around my shoulder so my arm was bent at the elbow while holding his hand.

"Afterall," He smirked, "We have a date to go on!" A frenzy of squeals erupted again and I saw the girls interrogate Nico while I was dragged away. Wait, I thought I was supposed to go on a date?

"Sit, missy. And NO PEEKING!" Drew ordered while I was told to sit in front of a mirror. Ok so I guess they're getting me ready then? They set to work on my face with their torture devices- I mean make-up kits- and ten minutes later began on my hair.

"Here!" Drew said and handed me a box. I looked at her confused and opened the box.

Inside was a really cute teal dress. It had two or three layers of ruffles at the bottom and was long enough to cover my bum but was a touch above mid thigh. All in all, it was gorgeous. This coming from me, the girl who never wears dresses.

My jaw dropped and I looked at Drew with wide eyes. I smiled my thanks and rushed off to go put on the dress.

I stepped out and gasps rang out around the room. I quickly looked in the floor length mirror and my jaw dropped. They had straightened my long hair so it was now just below my bum. They also hadn't put on a lot of make-up so I still looked like me and not a cake-face and the dress was beautiful.

"You look-" Amy began.

"Amazing," Someone finished. I looked to the voice and saw Nico. I smiled and walked over to him. 

He was wearing a black suit with a blue tie that perfectly matched my dress. The girls behind me squealed and pushed us out the door. I laughed slightly and smiled at Nico as if to say 'sorry about them' and he laughed.

"'Sup Cade," Percy said while walking up to us. He was wearing a suit as well but he had on a red tie. I waved but gave Nico a questioning look and he merely smiled at me like he knew something I didn't. He grabbed my hand and together the three of us walked to a dark corner. 

He turned to look at Percy and I and said, "Alright this is very important that you guys trust me. We're going to be shadow travelling. It's going to feel slightly weird at first but you should be fine," I gave him a 'yeah right' look but he smiled and grabbed both mine and Percy's hands then we all ran towards the wall. 

 I felt as if I was getting squeezed through a tube and coldness overcame me. It was also incredibly dark. A few seconds later it was warm and bright again. I shielded my eyes for a few seconds while they adjusted to the brightness.

When they finally adjusted I saw an entire camp of demigods staring at us. Well, I guess thats what happens when you appear out of the shadows during lunch. I gave a shy wave and saw a few guys check me out. Nico put his arm around my shoulders and I looked down to hide my smirk.

"Man I will never get used to that," Percy groaned and held his head, referring to shadow travelling. Other than being slightly cold, I felt fine.

"Yeah well, you better get used to it. We gotta do this again. We're just here to pick someone up," Nico muttered.

"PERCY!" A girl yelled and attacked Percy with a flying hug. After a few seconds she pulled back and I saw that it was Annabeth. She saw Nico and I and waved. We both waved back and I saw what she was wearing. 

Annabeth was wearing a red dress that was slightly higher than her knees and it was tight. It had a black belt type thing around her waist and was a spaghetti strap. She looked really good and her and Percy cute together. 

"Ready?" Nico asked Percy and Annabeth. They both nodded and we started walking out. 

"Have fun!" Chiron yelled after us and we looked back to see him lifting his glass and smirking at us four.

"Be safe!"

"Don't get killed!"

"Watch out for monsters!"

"Lookin' good!" People shouted at us as we left. We all laughed at some of them until we were out of hearing range. 

"Alright, everyone ready?" Nico asked us still chuckling. We all nodded and grabbed his hands. Annabeth grabbed Percy's slightly warily and he whispered something in her ear which made her relax. 

"On three," Nico said, "One, THREE!" We were all dragged forward slightly, not expecting him to skip two.

I felt the weird sensation again then suddenly it was bright.

"DUDE! What happened to two?" Percy grumbled. Annabeth and I chuckled while looking around. 

"Uh, Nico?" Annabeth asked looking up at the intimidating brick building in front of us.

"Yeah?" He asked back, turning to look at her.

"Where are we?" Annabeth asked back.

Nico merely shrugged and said, "I don't know. Some school in Canada," 

"So why are we here?" Percy asked him.

"To dance of course! This schools putting on a dance and we're here to dance seeing as most of us didn't have a very good middle school experience," Nico explained as if we were dumb. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the building. I laughed and went along with him. I was going to enjoy this tonight. 

"Coming you slow pokes?" Nico shouted back jokingly and Percy and Annabeth ran to catch up with us. 

"How are we going to get in?" Annabeth asked.

"I have ways, just trust me. I'm not that incompetent," Nico muttered the last part and I chuckled. We walked into the school and my jaw dropped. 

A huge poster read 'SPRING FORMAL TONIGHT!' and the lobby was beautifully decorated. There was pink, yellow, and green paper flowers everywhere and it looked like it was in the day. We could hear music pumping from the gym and lots of people singing. Well, singing, screaming, whatever you want to call it.

"Excuse me, who are you with?" A kid asked who was sitting at a table looking bored out of his mind. 

"Grover Underwood," Nico told the kid.

"Names?" The guy asked, bored. 

"Nico, Caden, Percy, and Annabeth," Nico told the guy.

"Alright, have fun," The guy pointed in the direction of the gym and we headed off. We walked in the gym and my jaw dropped again.

Instead of it being all 'Spring is happy' and such, it looked like they had turned the gym into a night club. Strobe lights flashed all over the place, fog machines spit fog over the dancing crowd, and a DJ was sat at a table on the stage playing music. Of course there was a few guys playing basketball over in the corner but that was expected. A slow song came on and the crowd quickly scrambled into pairs. 

"May I have this dance?" Nico asked me posh-ly and I smiled. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor where I put my hands around his neck and he put his around my waist and we started dancing. I could see Annabeth dragging Percy onto the dance floor while Percy was looking at the guys playing basketball wistfully. I smiled and looked back to Nico.

This was going to be awesome.

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