Chapter 11

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"Good morning Vietnam!" Someone called while coming into the room.

"Uh Ginny?" Someone else said. They sounded like Harry.

"Yeah?" Ginny asked.

"We are most definitely not in Vietnam," Ron said.

"You guys! It was a reference!" A different girl said. She sounded like Hermione.

"A reference to what?" Harry asked confused.

Hermione sighed before saying, "It's a muggle thing."

"Oh," Ron said.

"Yeah 'Oh' you dolt!" Ginny said.

"Hey! I'm not a dolt!"

"Yeah you are!"






"CHILDREN!" Hermione screamed. I finally opened my eyes to see an interesting sight.

Hermione was squished in between Ron and Ginny who were trying to hit each other and Harry was deep in thought. Ron and Ginny, however kept hitting Hermione who was trying to break up the siblings fight.

"Uh... A little help would be appreciated," Hermione stated and we all looked at each other. I never noticed when the others had come in. I guess they came when they heard Ron and Ginny fighting. If you thought the wizards were a sight, you should've seen us!

Jake and Nico were leaning on each other half asleep, Amy was bouncing around (Who knew she was a morning person?), Drew still had curlers in her hair, and Andy was standing near the back of the room looking slightly awkward and nervous.

Aaron, however, got me to laugh the most. His shaggy blonde hair was sticking up in every direction. He looked like he was about to fall over at any moment and was staring around the room like he didn't know how he got here. I probably looked no different. Yeah, us Hepheastus kids aren't really morning people.

After I composed myself enough I ran forwards to hep Hermione with the situation. I quickly grabbed Ron's arms and pinned them behind his back. I gave him a ggentle shove but since he wasn't expecting it, he fell to the floor of the room we were in. I gave him an apologetic smile then turned to deal with Ginny who had stopped fighhting and was glaring at her brother.

After we ha broken apart their fight I looked at them expectantly.

'What?' I signed angrily. No one wakes me up without a reason.

"McGonagal wants to talk to you guys," Harry said, snapping out of his thoughts.

Oh crud. What did we do now?

~~ A little while later ~~

"Quidditch," McGonagal said, "Is a wizarding game. Similar to muggle football, if you will,"

"Uh, muggle?" Jake asked confused.

"Non-magic folk, such as yourselves," McGonagal explained.

"Ah-hem!" Amy cleared her throat indignantly.

"Except you, Amy," McGonagal covered, "Anyways-" She blabbered on and on about the game and Nico and I smirked at each other. I heard the word flying and I was instantly excited. I glanced at Aaron and saw him smirking. I knew he was thinking of making improvements to the brooms that McGonagal had in her hand.

"So! Here are your brooms and here is Mr. Wood, our new flying instructor," McGonagal said and over walked a guy that had previously been talking to Harry, Ginny, Ron annd Hermione.

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