Chapter 6

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Song: Lowlife. Theory of a Deadman. Because that's my new favorite song.

~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~

"Erm...Truth?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

"Aww! You're no fun!" Jake whined playfully. I merely shrugged.

"Alright, let's start simple. Who do you like?" Nico asked me. Caden started snickering and signed something to Jake and those two started laughing together. Nico glared at them like he knew what they were talking about.

"That's easy! Ginny!" I told him honestly.

"Now you ask someone!" Amy encouraged me.

"Well, Amy, since you seem so eager, truth or dare?"

"DARE!" Amy said excitedly.

"Alright, so I make her do something?" I asked just to make sure. They all nodded to tell me I was right and I looked back at Amy.

"I dare you to go kiss that guy," I pointed to a random guy passing through, which happened to be Dean Thomas. (A/N: Did he die in the books? If so, I'll change it, so pleeeease let me know!)

She smiled and did it. Smirking, she sat down.

"Easy. Jake, truth or dare?" She asked Jake.

"Dare!" He said.

"I dare you to spray paint Dan, green!" She said. Caden glared at Amy and Jake looked at her like she'd grown another head.

"Say what now?" Jake asked, completely shocked.

"You heard me!" Amy defended.

"Umm... Who's Dan?" Ginny asked.

"Dan is Caden's mechanical dog that she made on her first day of camp. He actually works and Caden named it Dan," Jake explained.

Caden sighed and left. A few seconds later, she came back with what I can only assume was Dan. I mean, how many mechanical creatures does she have?

Jake left and came back with green spray paint, where he got it, I'll never know.

"I'm so sorry, Cade," Jake said and started spray painting the dog. When he was done Hermione waved her wand and cleaned up the mess, except for the stuff on the dog. Caden looked at Hermione with puppy dog eyes and gestured to Dan. Hermione then waved her wand at Dan, turning him brown again. The dog wagged its tail happily and the game continued.

"Ron, truth or dare?" Jake asked Ron.


"I dare you to run around the castle in just you're underwear yelling, 'COME AT ME, GIUESSEPPI!!' "

"Okay," Ron said and started stripping down to his underwear. He ran out the door with Dan behind him. Did I mention Dan had an iPhone attached to his head that was probably recording the entire thing.

After a while, Ron came back panting and sat down after putting his clothes on.

"Caden, truth or dare?" Ron managed in between pants.

"She says truth," Nico translated.

"Why can't you talk?" Ron asked, "like, what's the story behind it?"

"OH LOOK AT THE TIME! TIME FOR SUPPER!" Aaron suddenly said. We all gave each other confused looks but stood up and headed towards the Great Hall.

"Why do you suppose they won't tell anyone? You know, why she can't talk," Ron asked me quietly so no one could hear.

"I honestly don't know," I told him.

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