Chapter 45

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Sadly, in my world, the happy bubble with Rose doesn't last forever. In fact, it doesn't even last very long. We are cuddling under the moonlight about an hour or so after sunset when a silhouette appears. Since we're werewolves, seeing in the night isn't a problem.

I frown and fight back a snarl when I see who it is. James. That creepy asshat that preyed on Rose.

"What is this?" He demands, his eyes flashing blue with rage. "What are you doing, Rose?"

"I'm on a date with Stella."

I hate how small her voice sounds. She's usually so confident, and for him to make her so shy and almost scared... Let's just say I really would like to introduce my fists to his face.

"What the heck? You're my girlfriend. Get over here!" He moves forward, reaching out a clawed hand to forcefully drag her away from me.

I stand up, a guttural growl coming from my mouth. He automatically pauses, his wolf recognizing that I am of a higher rank.

But James quickly returns the growl. I take a step forward until our noses are almost touching. That stubborn... He doesn't back down.

"I don't know what you think you're doing because she is 17. You are much older than 18. So you need to back off because doing anything with her is illegal. I could call the police right now and get your sorry butt arrested."

"You could but you won't."

"Oh? Why not?"

"Because Rose wants me. Don't you, baby?" He steps to the side so he can see her better and I shove him back.

James falls backwards with an annoyed expression.

"Stay away from her. She's not your girlfriend, she's mine."

Okay my mouth may have moved faster than my brain. I can only hope that once I drive this pathetic excuse for a man away that Rose won't turn me down or freak out too much.

"Really? Well, then I guess I have no choice." He cracks his knuckles with a smirk. "I challenge you. A fight to the death or until the other gives up. For Rose and for being alpha."

"Very well."

He sticks out his hand to shake on it. I stare distastefully at it until it retracts.

"The fight will be in three days. Don't chicken out." James laughs to himself and walks away without turning back.

I feel something hit my shoulder and look to see Rose with a severely angry expression. Oh no.

"What the heck, Stella? A fight? To the death? Seriously?"

"Unless he gives up," I add unhelpfully.

She smacks my shoulder again. "Dammit if you lose he'll be alpha."

"And he'll have you. That's my main concern. I won't let him win."

"Also... Girlfriend?"

I flush. She did notice. Of course she did. I stare at the ground, shuffling my feet, unsure about how to approach this. "Um..."

"About time," Rose says. I glance up to see the most gorgeous smile on her face and I automatically grin back.

Wolves Among the Sheep (Girl x Girl)Where stories live. Discover now