Chapter 28

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"What the f u c k?" The person gasps out, squirming under Rose's weight. "Worst day ever."

I signal for Rose to get up. She reluctantly stands and stays close to me, on edge.

The person looks up at me, "Thanks. I'm Dakota, they/them pronouns, non gender binary." They get up, wobbling slightly. "Sorry about the window, I was literally thrown in here. I'm usually more civilized and use doors."

"It's... It's fine. Don't worry about it." I assure them.

"You're non gender binary?" Rose questions.

Dakota is brushing invisible dirt particles from their clothes and they look up at her. "Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, I just... I didn't know. I've been using male pronouns to refer to you for years." Rose is making a kicked puppy expression and I know she feels bad.

"You didn't know." Dakota stretches and their arm pops. They groan and mutter, "Rough landing."

"Why did they throw you through the window?" I ask.

"I told Shiba my preferred pronouns. She refused and said that I'm just a confused little boy." I wince in sympathy. I knew she was bad, but that was... that was downright evil. "And then refused to use my pronouns. So I called her on her shit and she flipped out. She ordered her minions to throw me in the garbage where I belong and they translated it in their tiny brains to throw me into your room."

My bedroom door crashes open and I hear the hinges groan in protest. Hunter and Luciana in the doorway, tense.

"We heard a crash. Are you two okay?" Hunter says in one breath.

"We're fine," I assure her.

"Took you two long enough. What were you doing?" Rose wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and they both blush. I didn't know it was possible for Luciana to blush.

Her attention shifts to our unexpected guest. "Dakota?" She walks forward and places a hand on their shoulder. "Are you okay? What did you do this time?"

"I'm okay. Really, I am." They add at her skeptical frown. "I told Shiba my pronouns."

Luciana sighs and wraps them in a hug. I glance at Rose, who looks just as bewildered at the sign of affection as me. Hunter looks a little jealous.

She pulls back, "I told you she wouldn't react well. You're lucky the only thing that she threw you through was a window."

"She told her goons to toss me in the garbage where I belong. So it could've been worse. I'd rather have tiny glass bits imbedded in my skin than waist deep in a garbage bin. Also, I had a method to my madness. I told her because I knew she wouldn't respond well."

Luciana moves back until she's next to Hunter again. "Alright. What's your brilliant plan. Though, keep in mind what happened last time."

"You lose one plane ticket... Anyways, I gathered a group of wolves I know are going to join your side. You now have spies in her pack. You're welcome."

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