In The Beginning

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Aron's P.O.V:
It was a cloudy day, and the weather channel said heavy rains and a thunderstorm where moving in from the West. This was when I barely moved to Seoul to pursue my career. I had finally decided upon being a professional photographer. I had taken a class in high school, In L.A., that taught you about the history of photography and how it contributed to history itself. After that, I fell in love with taking photos and capturing the beauty, and possibly history, with each photo. I went to school in New York and graduated the summer before going to South Korea.

As the clouds rolled in, my insides churned eager to capture the beauty, so I got ready after my cup of daily coffee and went to pursue the small adventure that would occupy my day. I had gathered all of my equipment, and located myself to a nearby mountainside. As I arrived at the mountains in my car, I gasped at the beauty. The clouds accentuated the mountain tops, and brought a new light to the way Seoul looked on an average day. I pulled out my camera, and began to snap a life into my film. The day rolled on, and the clouds became angry with color and lightning. This was my favorite weather, and I would be damned if I didn't capture it in pixels. I positioned my self at the top of a small mountainside hill, and readied myself to snap the perfect picture. This was truly art. It simply couldn't be rushed! The second I saw lightning in the distance, and snapped eight photos when I saw it, a lightning flash that stretched across the sky. I wasn't expecting the lightning to pay a visit to the ground, but as it did, I captured my last photo before retreating to my car. I was looking over the photos I had taken throughout the day proud of my work and skill when I heard a thunderous boom, saw a flash of purple light, and heard a crackling not too far from where I was standing. I looked to my right where the sound had come from, and saw a humongous tree fall to the floor. It slightly dazed me; I'd never experienced a real lighting strike in my life, and I couldn't peel my eyes away. I took a few pictures, and began to examine the tree viciously broken trunk from the position I hadn't moved from yet. I was about to snap a close up of the broken wood when I saw movement...under the tree. My heart began to race. I had no clue of the dangers of that mountain, and I was pondering my decision about going there in the first place. Without knowing why, I began to cautiously walk toward the tree. My mind was screaming at me, it told me not to go, that I wasn't a native of the land I was roaming, but I didn't stop. It was almost like I couldn't. As I got close enough, I noticed then that the movement was coming from a man. A horribly injured man! My mind no longer fought me, and insisted I that I needed to, somehow, save this mans life. As I finally reached the tree, I noticed the mans leg was twisted, his head was bleeding from multiple guts and possibly a gash, and his breath was almost inexistent. I was no medical professional, but I could tell that if the tree wasn't moved and he wasn't taken to a hospital straightaway, he was going to die on my watch.

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