"Thank you Dark I had almost forgotten by this temptress here."

My eyes widen as I looked at Cassius, did he really call me a temptress? Dark chuckles as he says

"Just like her mother, Come, come Massacre, Kandii has been looking for you all morning."

I nodded my head and got up to leave, but before I got to the door Cassius stopped me and kissed my forehead as he says

"I'll meet you at the front door hun, okay?"

I smiled as I hid my face so he couldn't see the massive blush on my face, I walked out and into my room and got some normal covering clothes on and let myself go natural for once. I started walking to the staircase to meet up with Cassius when all of a sudden I felt a body jump on my back making me scream out in surprise. I tumbled forward as I heard a squeal on my back, which took me by surprise. I landed on my back as I saw the shocked Kandii on top of me. Kandii's eyes were huge like saucers as she stared down at me, then I realized that she was straddling my hips making my eyes widen more then hers. I saw two figures coming our way from opposite ends as Kandii and I started to crack up at the awkward moment. Kandii then says in an amused tone

"Dang Massacre, I didn't know you would react this dramatically for me to jump on your back!"

I rolled my eyes at her as I then say

 "I'm sorry that you caught me off guard... so we all good honey?"

Kandii grins down at me as she says

"Yes we are all good but if you do that again i'm going to kick your ass."

 I rolled my eyes as we got up as I saw Cassius looking at us weird as well as a Collyn in the back ground. Cassius then says

"Jeez give me a heart attack will you!"

I softly smile at Cassius as he soon smiled back with lust and passion as he then says

"Well are you ready to go hun?"

I smiled and nodded my head as I walked away from a confused looking Kandii. I heard Collyn tell her he would explain in the car, so I was guessing my father had told him what was going on between Cassius and I. I wondered if my father told Collyn what Corpse had done to me? Cassius wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him making a blush spread across my cheeks as he says

"In two days a full moon will be out and... well that is when I can change you into what I am.... I mean if you want to."

I smiled at Cassius as I softly say

"Can...Can I tell you my answer that day? I'm just scared Cassius."

Cassius smiles as he helps my into his truck as he says in a sweet caring voice

"Of course, my Massacre."

I smiled at him as he quickly got into the car and drove to school. My body was shaking as we got to school, I was so utterly terrified to see him. Cassius helped me out  once I was securely on the ground Cassius handed me a blood ball as I looked up at him as he gave me that 'I know what your feeling' look. Cassius linked his arm around my waist making me blush even more as I popped the blood ball into my mouth calming down a bit as I tasted the metallic salty taste, I had grown to enjoy the taste and no I couldn't get enough of it. As we were walking towards the office I looked up at Cassius and  frowned at him, Why the hell were we going to the office, as if on cue, like he  was reading my mind,

"Dark has requested both of our classes to be switched so we would not have a class with him as well as you will be in all of my classes, so I can keep an eye on you to protect you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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