Shadow Fall University of The Gifted

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I was awokened by Kandii jumping on me yelling

"Wakey wakey sunshine, you have an hour to get ready for school!!!"

I grumbled, I hadn't gotten to sleep till later that, well evening, I sat up as Kandii danced out of my room closing the door behind her. I had gotten ready in my usual out fit, a corset with a tank under it, skinny jeans with a chained loop belt and my combat boots. I put on my leather bracelets and had my heavy makeup on and I decided to curl my long black hair, the stupid cops wanted to shave my hair off but the judge caught them before it happened. I walked out of my rooom as I went down the stares to see Cassius on his phone talking to someone but he had to look straight at me, he frowned a bit. I decided to not to look for once and ignore his total pressence. I couldn't let a heart break get to me... especially with my lust. I then felt as if someone was next to me. I looked to my right just to find Collyn's face in mine. I screamed out in shock as I made my body fly back as I screamed out


"So it is true..."

I frowned to myself thinking what the hell is he talking about and why was he looking at me with pity and sadnes... then it hit me as I replied with a sad tone

"How long have you been in my face?"

Collyn frowns a bit and said

"Since the hall way... so your really blind in that eye."

I could see Cassius look over at me in shock as I growl to myself and pushed past Collyn. I don't want that prick knowing my new disablities, I didn't need him to know a weakness of mine in fear he would use that against me at school. I had a feeling that he was going to make my life hell after what I had done to him. Time fianlly came for us to leave as I asked Collyn if I could ride with him. Kandii didnt seem to like it that much but didnt say anything and got into the Cassius's truck. To find out the rapture was Cassius, that lucky bastard. Collyn rocked out to the rock music as I laughed at him, Collyn looks at me and says

"So have you and Cassius talked?"


Collyn nodded his head knowing by the tone of my voice I didnt want to talk about it as he then quickly said

"Make sure you let Kandii know you aren't into me... she is my eternal love you know?"

"Eternal love?"

"Yeah its like a mate but for demons."

I made an O with my lips, I kind of felt bad for doing that to her, but she needed to tell me, I was still new to all of this. We got to school as Kandii was waiting for us not looking to pleasedwith her arms crossed over her chest. I hopped out as I yelled at Kandii

"Why the hell didnt you tell me you and Collyn were mates... I mean eternal lovers I would have sucked it up riding with him?"

Kandii seemed to soften as she walked over as she says,

"I thought you knew I mean... all immortals can tell."

"Babe, shes a mortal still."

Kandii looks at me with surprise across her face as she was absolutely shocked at the news she was hearing. Kandii then linked her arm in mine and said

"In that case we have to watch out for you even more. I'll see you in home studies Honey."

Kandii kissed him as she started to drag me some where. We walked up to a building that had a label of 'the office'. We walked in as a lady looked up at me with hunger, she was absolutely gorgeous though, long blond ringlets green eyes that held so much happiness other then hunger and perfect skin. I frown as I got closer to Kandii as she spoke to the lady

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