Crush Under Way

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I finally got to sit down as I was a bit ashamed to look at Xavier, yes I loved his real name more than the name Corpse, though the thought of What did he think of me now ran through my mind? All of a sudden I felt someone gently touch my hand from underneath the table. I frowned to myself as I glanced up at Xavier as he smiles down at me as I saw his arm over his chair and went right under the table. Nyx had started her lessons as Xavier whispers to me in a caring tone

"I do not think of you any less, you impress me."

Xavier grinned his toothy grin and turns around in his desk leaving my hand alone in the cold room. I bit my lip as I could feel my cheeks burning again, what was up with this guy its as if he even glances at me I go off in a blushing madness. I then felt a piece of paper tap the side of my hand making me jump a bit at the sudden contact. No one had noticed thankfully as I pulled the letter up trying to hear a bit of Nyx's lesson, she was talking about unknowns, they were creatures that had multiple creatures in them. I then read

"Massacre, Corpse is the biggest hottie of the school! He never is the first one to talk to you... He really never talks to girls."

I grinned to myself as I read the letter from Kandii as I wrote back

"Kandii... I think I really like him."

Kandii giggled next to me as Nyx turned around with an amused smile on her face as Kandii tried to hide the note. Nyx then says

"Really girls, pay attention please and put that darn note away you have all next period to talk."

I blushed again as I felt his gorgeous stare on my face, I wanted to know why he was affecting me so much.

School finally ended as I was a bit bummed that I only had Corpse in a few of my classes but every single one he would either sit next to me or in front of me. I wanted too run my hands through his gorgeous long black hair... braid it just for fun. I smiled to myself at that thought as Kandii grabbed my shoulders shaking me. I looked at her as she says a bit scared

"You started to shake again Massacre... you know how dangerous your feelings are getting."

Kandii was right, I had to get a hold of these emotions or at least get in control of my blood lust so I don't hurt Corpse. I nodded my head in agreement, it was hard pushing him out of my mind just his body... hair... face those damn endless black eyes. I gasped as I shook myself out of the day dream. This had to be fixed soon... real soon, I hope my uncle has figured something out. We got home as Kandii got out of my lap, Cassius decided to take his truck out with his whore somewhere to be 'alone' for awhile... ass. Once I walked into the house I heard some one running down the hall as a voice soon followed yelling

"I've got it!!! Massacre I have figured out a cure till you get bonded to your one!"

My uncle grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the back room where there was a weird machine and some items that looked like a tattoo gun. I frown as I said skeptical

"Uncle... A tattoo inst going to help my cravings."

My uncle laughs to himself as he sat me down and said

"Of course a real tattoo wouldn't help you with jack but ink from a mix of werewolf's blood and demon blood would make you immortal and help with the cravings of bloodshed."

I bit my lip as my uncle stares at me waiting for my response as he then says softly

"Your options are this, Cassius or being mortal"

I sighed heavily as I says

"Then let's get this over with Uncle... where will this be?"

"Across your chest, not your breasts do not worry, its easier for the werewolf and demon blood to get to your heart and change you quicker. I have to knock you out in the time being so you wont really feel the pain or any of the changes, are you ready Massacre?"

Piercing the Blackened RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon