Chapter 16: No

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Alex's POV

"Why would you keep her? She belongs to the Immortal Witches Kingdom." Amanda asked him as she practically growled.

"She also belongs to the vampires, Witch." Damon shot back. He was right, she is a hybrid that belongs to both the witches and vampires.

"Why not leave her choose where she wants to go?" I asked.

"Because, Alex, we all know that she will go back to her human lifestyle with her brother, Danny." Damon spoke once again. Everyone knows about the Queen's children now.

"She wouldn't." I said lowly.

"But she would. She didn't want any of this world, she just wanted to stay in her own little world. Just be a regular teenage human girl, nothing out of the ordinary." Damon answered as anger boiled within me.

"Fuck no. Carly isn't a toy, Fangs." I said lowly once more.

"Catching feelings, Alexandra?" He mocked as we all glared. Vampires and witches don't mix for some reason that nobody remembers but we all have hate towards each other.

"What about you, Blood Prince?" I shot back towards him. This earned me a glare from his side.

"Don't switch the subject." He said as he bared his fangs.

"No, no. You already did. If you don't want her for feelings, then, why do you even want her?" I asked as I kept my glare and eye contact visible.

"I have my reason which you will see in all do time." Was his only answer. The vampire clearly didn't want to tell the truth. I need answers but I will push for them later.

After about five minutes of arguing in front of his castle, Damon began to get extremely frustrated with us. Dustin, Amanda, and I were fighting with him about who gets to keep Carly. Stupid, I know, but we all want her safe without the possibility of war being right around the corner. We had to be careful at this point in time but at the same time, I really just didn't want to care. Anyway, Damon looked back to his castle with a sad look and turned his attention towards us once more.

"Carly hasn't been here since the last time that I looked. It's as if she disappeared. I don't have a clue where she went, I'm just assuming that she was token back to your Kingdom but clearly not if you are here looking for her." Damon pointed out as he kept his voice calm this time.

"Since you were the last one with her, you will join us to help find her and return her to safety?" Amanda asked as she returned the same tone that he used.

"I could, but she will come back with me. I won't keep her as my prisoner, she will be well treated here. Carly will be safe with me." Damon tried.

"It would be better if she stays with her family, her kingdom, and her friends. Not with you, some guy that she just met." Dustin said as he glared.

"How is it any safer with a place that wants her dead or to use her?" Damon countered back calmly.

"Maybe she might be safer in the human world." Amanda suggested. I just shook my head at their comments and suggestions.

"Shut it, all of you. Let Carly see, it is her life, not ours. She will decide but in the current moment, we have to find her. Fangs, are you in or out?" I asked calmly as I possibly could. All eyes turned towards me and their expressions changed from angered to surprised.

"Alex, I thought that you didn't like him?" Dustin asked me.

"I don't but I know Carly does. As much as it pains me to say, we do need him to help us." I reasoned which clearly didn't work as their expressions stayed the exact same. Nobody would ever dare question me, until today.

"Why?" Amanda questioned.

"He needs us as much as we need him. He was the last one to see her, therefore making him a part of the team if he wants to find her. Correct, Fangs?" I replied.

"All true, but what if I don't want to find her?" Damon as he stared me down.

"Then, I guess you won't be able to see her ever again." I said as I notice that I hit a nerve. I know that he likes her. His eyes darkened a few shades.

"I will join, on the condition that I get to see her and she also has the choice to stay with me." Damon practically growled out.

"Great. Now, let's go, Fangs." I replied. "Where do you think she went?"

"I don't know. She could be anywhere. Carly doesn't know this world as well as we do." He answered

"You might be surprised on how much she can pick up within minutes." Amanda commented as she chuckled.

Damon held a questioning look pointed towards her as to what she meant by that. Carly has a photographic memory and she is extremely curious along with rebellious to a certain extent like getting banned from a mall for a long period of time. We would usually get in trouble like that but she would always remember the words and such from that day.

Anyway, I watched as Amanda explained what she meant and Dustin was laughing. Carly is special in a good way. She will figure something out within a small amount of time. I find it hilarious when she tells someone off when she is right because they didn't expect her to tell them exactly step by step of what they did. For them, it would be creepy and awkward but they did have it coming. So, Damon stood there as he stared in the emptiness.

"Fangs? Where do we go now?" I asked as I walked closer to him. He shook his head and looked towards me.

"W-we should go to the last place where she was. That would be the cells, since she wasn't being cooperative.

"You do realize that every time you tell me something stupid like this, it just makes me want to to knock you out cold, right?" I told him honestly as I seen fear slowly rise in his eyes as he knew that I wasn't messing around.

"Hey, Fangs?" Dustin called out for him as Damon turned around to face him.

"Yes?" He slowly asked as if Dustin was going to attack him.

"Hurt any of the girls, you will be signing your death certificate." Dustin practically growled as he walked away towards the castle.

Amanda followed him and as did I along with Damon who stayed in silence.

"Show us the way." I said as I offered him to lead the group. He quickly agreed as we walked behind him inside the castle.

Off to start the hunt for Carly.


Heyo! So, this is the calm before the storm people! I can't wait for next week! I know that it was mostly just talking but they had to say the important stuff. So, I hope y'all liked the chapter. The song this week is "I wish" by Cher Lloyd and TI.

Comment, fan, vote, share!

Till next time my dears!

-NCP274 ;)

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