Chapter 17: Backstory

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Louis' POV: 

"December 28th, 2006" I started. "Right after my 14th birthday." 


I sat on the hospital table, waiting with my  mum for results. She held my hand, I think more for herself than for me. 

"Louis." The doctor said, trying the best smile he could manage. 

"Yes sir." I said, sitting up more. 

"Um, well I'm just going to get to the point." He said. "When we looked at your cat scans, MRI's, and X-rays. Um, unfortunately you lit up like a Christmas tree." He said. "I'm afraid that it seems like you have Lung Cancer." At his words my mother burst into tears. I just sat there shocked. Cancer? But I'm only fourteen! I can't have Cancer... "I'm very sorry." The doctor continued. "If it's alright with you we want to set up an immediate testing sequence, ending with Chemotherapy."  

"Yes, yes." My mother quickly said. "Anything to help him. How soon do we start?" She told him. 

"I'm technically off for the rest of the day, but for you, I'll be happy to stay. We can start today." He told us.

He told us the rest of the schedule for the week. Friday was to be my first day of chemotherapy. 

~End of Flashback~  

"Chemo was rather boring and long." I said. "I actually hated the afterfact of it than the actual treatment." 


I couldn't help it. I cried as I laid in bed, a black beanie on my head. Not everyone, but some people had the nerve to make fun of me for my lack of hair. It's not my fault! It's the cancers fault! 

"Baby doll." Mum sighed as she sat on my bed next to me, rubbing my back. "Your teacher called and told me what happened. You don't listen to a word those boys said. Your teacher had a talk with them and they told her that they didn't realize you were that sick... Apparently she said to expect an apology tomorrow." 

"I don't want a damn apology." I said. "I want my life back." 

"Louis William, you watch your language." She said strictly, but still kindly. She sighed taking off my beanie and smiled at me. "I don't see anything wrong with you. You're still just as handsome as you were with hair." 

I shook my head. "It reminds me that I'm sick..." I told her, burying my face in my pillow.


I walked through school, my normal beanie on my head as I went to first hour. "Louis!" Jason, one of the guys that pointed out my hair yesterday, called as he posy stood around him. He came over to me along with Michael, Clint, and Hayden. "Look, we're sorry for yesterday. We shouldn't have said anything regardless." He started. "I hope you get over your sickness." He said smiling at me. 

I gave a weak smile back. "Thank you." 

"Look, Saturday we're all coming to my place for video games, movies, and pizza. You're welcome to come." He said. "Here's my number." He quickly wrote down his number and handed it to me. "Do you have a tank or anything?" He asked. 

I hesitated but nodded. "Yes... But I don't need it all the time." 

"I have a perfect place for it." 

"This isn't some sick prank is it." I said kind of harshly. "I've already had enough shit in my life so far and I don-" I started but Jason interrupted me. 

"No, no of course not." He face softened and he put on a serious look. "I would never do that to someone. Yesterday was a one time thing and we all felt bad about it afterwards. I actually was looking for you to apologize, but you left before I could." 

I sighed but nodded. "Okay..." I smiled at him. "I guess I can trust you." 

"Cool, I'll text you the address." 

~End of Flashback~

"That's how I became friends with Jason." I told them, smiling at the memory. "That saturday was the most fun I had in awhile up until then." 


I sat on Jason's couch, eating pizza, and tugged my beanie more secure on my head. "Louis, do you want me to beat you in Mario Kart?" Jason asked. 

"Oh, you're on." I said putting my pizza down and grabbing a controller. 

I ended up beating all of them and they all grumbled in complaint. "Okay, movie time. I don't feel like losing anymore." Michael said getting up to get a movie. 

We all laughed. "Um, Louis do you like the 'Lord of the Rings' series?" He asked. 

"Um, I've never seen it." I admitted. 

They all looked at me with shock. "Oh hell no, Michael put it in." Hayden said making me laugh. 

We ended up watching all three movies that night, making me completely addicted to it. 

~End of Flashback~

"That was two year before my second treatment of Chemo..." I sighed. "Everyone wasn't too thrilled about it..." 


"Again!" Jason said as we sat in my room. My hair was now grown back, but I was going to lose it again once we started Chemo again. "Oh, c'mon Louis. Can't they just do surgery on you and get all the cancer out and be done with it?" He asked. 

"It doesn't work like that Jace." I told him. We both groaned in annoyance. "Look, I'm not anymore thrilled than you are about this." 

"Louis, you're one of my best friends... I don't want to see you go through that again." 

"I don't either..." I told him with another sigh... Please let this time work...

~End of Flashback~

"I still talk to Jason when I can. He's getting married next June and I've been invited to be a groomsman." I smiled at the thought. "But you all pretty much know the rest..." 

I was about to speak again when a nurse came into the room. "Mr. Tomlinson?" She said. 


"We have your results..." 



*Anyway, what do you guys think? What do you think is going to happen??? Hope you liked it!*

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