Chapter 2- Cat Scan

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Louis' POV:

I woke up to the feeling of fingers running through my hair. I opened my eyes to see my mother with a smile on her face. "You have a doctors appointment sweetheart, you need to get ready." I groaned a little but nodded. "Don't forget to take your medicine." She said getting up from where he sat on the bed.

"What time is the doctors appointment?" I asked.

"We need to be there in an hour, so get dressed." She said and left the room.

I groaned again and got up, going to the bathroom to take my medicine. I hate mornings. Seven sets of pills, everyday, three times a day.

I started to couch, hanging my head over the sink as a few drops of blood fell into the white bowl. "Damn." I said wiping my mouth once I was done.

"Lou?" Harry said coming in. "You okay?"

"Yea." I said coming out of the bathroom and putting on some jeans.

"Okay, after your doctor's appointment we have to do a sound check."

I sighed slipping on a red t-shirt. "What's the point. I'm just going to die anyway." I said sitting on the bed to put on my shoes.

"Hey." Harry said kind of sternly. I looked up at him. "Don't you ever say that again. Don't ever say that you're going to die like nobody is going to care. Lou, millions of fan will miss you, not even mentioning your friends and family who love you. So don't you ever say that again." A slight anger was in his voice and I knew he was being serious.

"Okay... I suppose you're right." I said standing back up straight. "Okay, let's go."

I sat on the doctors table as my mum stood beside me. All the lads were in the waiting room, along with Sophia who came to visit Liam. "Hello Louis." A middle aged doctor said as he came into the room. "You probably hear this a lot, but I need to know the basics." I nodded, signaling for him to continue. "When were you diagnosed with it?" He asked.

"December 28th, 2006... right after my 14th birthday." I answered.

"Chemo treatment?" He asked.

"Yes, twice." I answered.

"And have you coughed up any blood lately?"

"Yes, this morning."

"Fainted or short of breath or anything like that?"

I sighed, thoughts of last night coming to mind. "Yes, I fainted on stage last night." I answered.

The doctor nodded. "Well, I'll get your cat scan ready and two nurses should be up to get you shortly." He told me.

I nodded and he left. "Remember you can't move baby." My mum said.

"I know mum, I've done it about fifty times before."

"I know sweetheart, I'm just reminding you." She said and kissed my forehead.

The main thing they drill in your brain during a cat scan is that you have to lay completely still, which has always been difficult for me to do. I closed my eyes as I felt the beams scan over my body. They made me change into one of those stupid hospital gowns that I've always hated, but got used to. I sighed as lightly as I could and tried to resist the urge to scratch the ich on my leg. Only a few more minutes to go...

Niall ' s POV:

We stood up as we saw Louis and Mrs. Jay excited the double doors that led to the hospital rooms. "So?" We all asked.

Louis sighed. "I have to come in for surgery Monday." He grumbled. "They said that they found a tumor in my hip, and if they get it out quickly, it shouldn't be a big deal, so don't freak out. I'll be fine."

"You all have an interview to do Monday, but Louis is excused since we want to get the surgery done before we leave the city." Mrs. Jay said as we headed outside.

Of course as soon as we walked outside, there was a few paparazzi asking questions like "What's wrong?!" Or "Louis why did you faint last night?!"

We just ignored them and piled in the van. "When's your surgery Monday?" I asked Louis.

"Seven in the morning." He answered. Well, he has two days till then... so we have three days of worrying... wonderful

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