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Ally's P.O.V

They took me away from him. They took me away from my Liam. I needed to get back to him, and fast. I saw his hand twitch. He was going to be all right. He was going to wake up. My Liam was going to wake up and I needed to be there for him.

I winced in pain as the nurses cleaned up my wounds. The liquid they used stung, like the spikes on a nettle leaf. I gripped on to the hospital bed I sat on, and dug my nails into the white cotton sheets. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the stinging sensation would go away. My body calmed a bit, but still throbbed. I opened one eye and then the other.

I looked around and the nurse was just leaving, and within a matter of seconds, Harry was at my side. I looked up at him with my blurry vision. He comforted me, whilst rubbing circles on my back. It calmed me, but I was too impatient to see Liam. I began to get of the bed when Harry stopped me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, eyebrows raised and hands still on my shoulders. I sighed, knowing there was no way around him. I sat back on my bed and slumped my shoulders.

"I want to see Liam." I mumbled, barely audible. I blinked and let the tears that had built in my eyes, fall. Harry sat down on the bed next to me and held me tight. I looked down, not wanting to show, the state I was in.

"Ally, he's not going to go anywhere, and besides you haven't finished your treatment yet." He said softly, whilst removing the damp hair that stuck to my cheeks. I looked up to him and pouted.

"We need to go there now. I need to be beside Liam when he wakes up..." I trailed off. "I don't need any more treating. I'm perfectly fi- ouch" I said, when I hurt myself, gesturing.

"See you're not fine! Moreover, about Liam, we don't even know when he's going to wake up. It might take ages. We've been trying so much, but he didn't budge." Harry explained. He rubbed my back again making soft circles. I sighed.

"No, Harry. You don't understand. He moved. He moved when, you were taking me away. I saw him move!" I said really quickly.

"Wait what?" Harry said obviously confused.

"You heard me. I saw him move. He twitched his hand." I said a little more slowly letting him absorbed the information I was giving him. He didn't respond. Harry just sat there as still as nothing. This was my chance to escape. I got up, but felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to face Harry.

"You're not going anywhere until you're fully treated. The nurse should be here any minute." He said pulling me back down. I huffed and refused to do as he said. Just then, as if on cue, the nurse walked in.

I looked over to her. She wasn't the nurse who was treating me earlier. This one was younger. She had the same sort of hair as me and her eyes were big like mine. Apart from the fact her were dark brown. Her smile grew wider when she, laid her eyes on her. I looked toward Harry for an explanation.

Harry's eyes just locked with her and they kept smiling at each other. Okay, I have and enough of this. I needed to get back to my Liam. He may be here any moment now. I cleared my throat, hoping someone would notice that I was here.

The nurses eyes automatically flickered towards me. She stepped closer and jabbed a thermometer in my mouth, and started checking my blood pressure.

"How's Liam?" Harry spoke after awhile. For a moment then I thought he was speaking to me, but soon relised he was directing it at the nurse.

He nurse stopped what she was doing, looked up at him and smiled. "He's been doing much better. His heart beat is normal and there are some signs that his brain is recovering as well as his wound." She informed us. I smiled at the thought. My Liam was getting better. I just had to go see him now.

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