Chapter One : London Twins

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Have you ever dream of yourself sleeping? I mean, you're like staring at your own body who's peacefully sleeping under the crumpled blanket. I know its a dream.. 'coz I can't move an inch!

Its creepy. I'm creepy. Ugh! Wake up! You.. fat ass! W-wait.. my ass isn't that fat. Oh Whatever! Just wake up! Jeez. If I'm not stuck here, I'll surely jump over to myself and shake the hell out of me. Crap! This is really confusing. Talking to 'myself' which is lying there and here I am standing at the same time, is more than confusing.

I watch myself asleep and thought if that's my sister. The other 'me' rolled over and let out a light snor. Oh god! That is not, definitely not, my twin sister. My sister sleeps like an angel, not like a frog pinned in a dissecting pan.

Wake up self! I don't wanna die young! Oh please! Yelling without a sound is so not helpful. I doubt the other 'me' can even hear my thoughts.

Suddenly, my sight got blurry. What's happening now?! No. No. No. No. No!

Everything went blank, pitch black. Then, I felt myself again. I feel like breathing again. Its still dark. No. My eyes were just still closed. Stupid.

I opened my eyes. My heart is pumping loud. I'm sweating. I felt cold. I sat up and pinch myself. Ouch, that hurts. I can feel myself. I'm awake. Oh, thank God.

That nightmare again. Damnit. I'm totally not getting used to it. It's not normal. I know its not. I checked the time. Its five in the morning. I guess I woke up earlier than my alarm clock.

I decided to stay awake. Afraid that it may happen again. I grab my pen and sketchpad. My thoughts were scattered. I don't even know what my hand tries to scribble.

My heart jumped off of my ribcage when my phone vibrated beside the small lamp shade on my wooden drawer. Its my alarm.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a God that I don't believe in
'Coz I got time while she got freedo---

I turned it off. Oh yes, Danny (the lead singer of The Script), I really am barely breathing here. I took a deep breathe and exhaled. That's a relief.

I got off the bed and head to the bathroom to do my daily routine. While taking a shower, I'm meditating. Well, somewhat like mentally preparing myself for this day. Today is my first official day at work after the brief training last week. Its actually like a seminar that provides the company background and product knowledge. So, I guess learning really comes from experience since I only have a pint of idea about telemarketing. I'm doomed.

I decided to wear something comfortable so I picked a sleeveless turtle-neck white blouse and a black coat. I paired it with some jeans and heels. My long natural eyelashes makes me deal with make-up a lot easier. And its an advantage since, I'm not fond of wearing any. I ran my hands through my hair and let it down. I love my natural look and don't spend too much effort in grooming myself except for special occasions.

I went downstairs and saw my twin sitting in the couch. While approaching her, I noticed she was typing on her laptop like the usual.

"Good morning Viv. Why are you up so early?" I stopped by the counter.

"Morning too Vera. I got some deadlines. You know, the usual." She answered without looking at me.

"Ok. Have you eaten already?" I went to the kitchen and reach for the box of cereal on the cupboard.

"I haven't. Mind if you make me some breakfast?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure."

While making the breakfast, I glanced at her since the counter is the only divider between the kitchen and the living room. She frowned a bit seemingly, stressed or annoyed. I decided to ask her about that later. Then, I went back to get the lasagna on the microwave.

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