"Everyone in their beds I just came from the other floors"

"O" I sighed heavily. "okay then" I started to turn back towards the stair cases

"But you can help me make potions" I stopped and looked back at him.

"Potions?" My interest perked.

"Yes I have a few on my list that I need to make for Madam Pomfry" He explained.

I had to stop myself from jumping up and down with a large grin. "Yes I'd love to"


"What are we going to be making"

"Antidote for common Poisons" he glanced at the list. He glanced up at me. "Some first years have this dare in HufflePuff where they lick a mistletoe berry"

"That is-weird"

He glanced up. "Blood replenishing Potion"


"Do you not know it or are you doing this to annoy me" he challenged with narrowed eyes.

"I know the names and how to do it I just don't recall right now and I don't have my notes" I muttered with a frown.

"It replenishes blood if there is a big loss." he explained. "Quidditch is coming  and Madam Pomfry likes to have it in stock because of the broken bone cases or any injury"

"O" I nodded. "Blake and Jasper where talking about try outs earlier today."

"as well as Calming Drought and Cough Potion sense the weather will be taking a turn to the cold soon"  He glanced at me. "I gave you the last of the calming drought in stock"

"You can have it back" I said quickly. "I'm quiet fine now"

He shook his head his eyes flickering to his list. "And lastly a Dragon Tonic, the Ministry of Magic apparently has a very sick dragon in their watch"

I thought back to the dragon that was locked in grengards. " Professor don't you thinking you should also make Essence of Dittany"

He glanced at me.

"I mean you have something to replenish blood loss, but what if they have wounds?" I asked. "And why not Skele-grow?" I asked curiously. "I mean you said for Quidditch and one of the main injuries is broken bones"

He blinked and glanced at the list. "No its not on here"

"but it would only be logical to make it all now instead of waiting for the last minute to do it"

His eyes flickered to me and narrowed.

"And why not Wound-Cleaning Potion?"

"Ms. Granger"

I blinked. "Yes?"

"Are you trying to get on my nerves?"

"No sir I was just asking" I answered as I went to get a caldron. "best get started though" I noted as I glanced at the clock.

"Your right" he noted. "That is if you have plans tomorrow"

"I don't have any"

"good in that case we can get started on most of these" He answered giving me a look. "So plan on being here for a while"

"I wouldn't dream on leaving" I stated with excitement as I grabbed a apron and tied my hair all the wall up and kicked off my shoes.

"no shoes?"

In the Den of Snakes * Harry Potter Fanfic *Where stories live. Discover now