Chapter Two

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(up top, or to side, is meagan)

"So, he like, asked you to call him Daddy?" Meagan asked me while we both put our makeup on. We were talking about last nights terrible encounters with that Calum dude. 

"Yeah. And then he looked surprised even when I said no," I scoff, and she furrows her eye brows, looking generally confused.

"That must only mean one thing, Gabs," She says, giving me a knowing side glance while applying her last touches of powder to her naturally rosy pink cheeks. 

"Yeah? What?" I ask wanting to know. 

"He must not be used to being turned down! That means that he gets with quite a lot of girls probably! And that means he is a-" We both turn to each other, wide eyed.

"Fuck boy!" We both yelled together. I sigh while she laughs, putting her makeup away with me. 

"Ugh, this sucks. I owe you fifty bucks now," I tsk and she giggles while shaking her hips in success. We made a bet when we first started University this year that we wouldn't get with any fuck boys. And if we did, we would have to pay the other person fifty whole dollars. 

I lose. 

"We can go to Starbucks with my winnings. I'll be nice enough to buy you a drink because of your horrible 'Daddy' incident," She laughs. I groan, swiping my already dark eyelashes after applying everything else. 

"You will be fine, Gabby! Now, we have English Lit first right?" Meagan asks, grabbing her school bag from the corner of the room and walking over to her study books. 

"Yeah, and then the rest of the day free," I say as I walk out of our bathroom, making her smile from ear to ear. 


"Yep, we have no other classes on Monday because we are lazy people," I half smile at her. Grabbing my nike bag, I stuff my English Lit book in there and my phone charger and ear phones. I also pack my purse, of course, and my inhaler.

Never know when you'll need it. 

"Stand next to me, I wanna take a pic!" Meagan exclaims, standing infant of our wardrobe mirror. 




"Yes, or I will call you daddy all day," She laughs.

"Bitch ass mother fucker.." I mumble, walking over to her. She's wearing her white vans and light wish skinny jeans with a basic white tee. While I am wearing my black and white Adidas originals and grey tee with black skinny jeans too. 

We have the same brainubut in different colours man. 

"Pose," She says. I move to my side and stick up the plain peace sign with my fingers while smiling, hoping that she will be happy with that photo and not take fifty million more. 

"Hmmm, I like it," She says, making me sigh in relief.

"Good, now come on," We close our dorm room door and make our way down from the second floor stairs. Its not a long walk at all, so I'm not complaining about having no elevator like some dorms do. I bet the eighth floor kids are though. 

As we walk out of the dorms area, we spot some kids walking to class, and a few occasional kids walking back to the dorms. Even though its seven, which is quite early for classes here, some kids take their education extremely seriously, and wake up super early to pack all their classes into one day. 

Some of the kids call it 'nerdy' or 'try hard' but I actually admire those kids will to keep going and try to be successful in life. Its going to work out for them, you can just tell.

"Oh my god, how do people even get up at like five or four? I can hardly get up at six thirty.." Meagan sighs, and I giggle at her. She has always been a late sleeper, liking to party and stay up until the sun is up and then sleep until the next night. 

Its funny sometimes too.

"They are ambitious, I like it," I say shrugging. She nods, taking in what I said. 

We make our way to he main building, walking to our only class of the day. Thankfully. 

I'm happy its not a full class filled day, like Tuesdays or Thursdays.

I see some people I know along the way to class, a few friends. I smile and wave at them, getting one back in return. You could say that Meagan and I are known around campus, but not in a bad way. Just a friendly way really. 

"Hey Michael," I say as I walk into the classroom, only to be met with my other friend, Michael. He smiles and side hugs me. 

"How ya doin shorty?" He asks in an awful American accent. I laugh loudly, and shake my head.

"Hey, Meagan," He nods at Meagan, and she nods back with a small smile.

"Sit in middle?" He asks Meagan and I as always. We both nod, sitting in the exact middle. I'm sat between them both. 

"So Michael, did you go to the new club 'Rubex' last night?" I ask, trying to start conversation seeing as Meagan is on her phone texting. 

"Nah, just stayed in and watched Teen Wolf," He chuckled t himself and I rolled my eyes at him jokingly. I would have loved to do that too. 

"But my friends did try and get me to go. Ashton couldn't go, but my two other friends went," I nodded. I know Ashton, he's actually really cool and nice. And I'm pretty sure Meagan had a massive crush on him at the start of the year. Not anymore though. 

"And apparently the night ended terribly for my two friends though. One of the girls ran out from him when they were making out, and the other girl who was making out with my other friend ran after her too! Its so funny though," He laughs. I laugh along to, seeing as that is pretty funny. 

"On of the guys will be in this class actually too today. He just joined like a week ago. But you weren't here were you?" 

"Nah, I was sick last week, didn't come to class. But its cool that we have a new guy now," I nod, wanting to meet this guy. 

"Yeah, It is. He will look like shit though, I guarantee it. He was so wasted last night apparently," We both laugh. 

Michael pulls out his phone, texting someone. 

"Who ya texting?" I ask Meagan, leaning over. I see Luke at the top, and cringe.

"Luke, really," I sigh, not looking impressed. She shuts off her phone and rolls her eyes while sticking her tongue out. 


"Daddy," I smack her arm and she laughs. Turning around to Michael, I see he is till texting.

"Who are you texting?" I ask, being nosey. 

"Calum," He says, not looking up. My heart sinks at the name, and I cough.

"Who is Calum, may I ask?" 

"The guy who joined this class last week," I swallow, trying convince myself its not the same Calum. There are loads and loads of Calum's out there, right? There cannot be just once Calum..

"Hey, bro!" I'm so caught up in my thoughts, I don't even see the new guy come in and walk over to Michael. They bro hug and talk with one another. 

"Gabby, Gabby," I feel a hand on my shoulder, waking me from my thoughts. 

"This is Calum, Calum this is Gabby," I look up, seeing the one person I did not want to see. Ever.

"Oh my god," I whisper, closing my eyes. 

"Gabby?" Calum asks, leaning in to see if its really me. 

"Oh shittttttt..." I hear Meagan comment. Thanks Meagan.

"Class, please take your seats," Calum takes his seat next to Michael, still staring at me though. 

God give me strength. 

D A D D Y - calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now