Ch 1: I can slaughter you.

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this story was written in the month of October in 2015. I decided to republish it because 1) despite it being random as heck, I still laugh when I read it. 2) it was my first completed story and its endearing to me. 3) I'm thinking of fulfilling a suggestion I made at the end of this book... without further ado, I hope you enjoy this short story!

Lucy Rochester was sitting in her Hufflepuff common room, thinking about Voldemort's past. It must've been sad for him to have nobody. I'll make him crack a smile Lucy thought. She got out her quill and a piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear Voldemort,

Hi! I'm Lucy Rochester. You seem like a pretty chill dude, and it's almost Christmas! I hope you enjoy this.


She folded the letter into the envelope and awaited the reply.


Voldemort was sitting in his office, reminiscing about when he killed Myrtle. Good times, good times. Who doesn't like thinking about a good murder? Especially one of his earliest ones! He was lost in thought when a brown barn owl flew in. Curious, he walked over and took the letter and package off. In the package was a stress ball, and a plush snake. Which looked remarkably like Nagini.

"Master, is that for me?" Nagini asked, eagerly. Voldemort sighed and nodded.

"Thank you master! I love it," she sighed in content.

"It is not from me, it is from a child called Lucy Rochester." Voldemort stated stiffly.

"I like her. Master, please don't kill her! I love this toy," she squeezed the toy and it made a hissing noise that hissed a calming song in parslemouth. Voldemort curiously sat down and grabbed a piece of parchment.


I thank you for the toy. Nagini, my familiar, is content. She requested for me not to kill you. But remember, I can slaughter you.

-Lord Voldemort

He felt silly as he sent the letter back, but he promised his familiar. He lay down on his bed with a surprisingly warm feeling in his stomach. Was he..could it

Of course not. He was a fool for thinking such a thing. He was the Dark Lord for crying out loud! His thoughts continued to run through his head as he fell into a well needed sleep.

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