phone bill


ConEd... paranoia and the scent of gas clouded my mind...

Vogue Cyatlin... sure we let Bruce call himself a woman, but god forbid someone deem themselves black, it's a sin. It just goes to show the racial tensions that still exist in this country. I can't watch as they publicly shame this woman Rachel Dolezal and title it news. It's not news it's publicly degrading, bullying, and ostracizing a woman who worked really hard to get to her position.  Were all liars so who am I too judge. Who really determines determines the severity of the lies we tell?

Consumed by these thoughts I almost missed it .  The moment when  a letter from Harvard slips from my fingers onto the counter-top.

That was it. I picked it up ripped it open and then hesitated to slip the letter from between the lips of the envelope. I'm sorry for not telling you until now, but I had been rejected from Princeton, and Yale. I guess early decision wasn't the right decision. When it came to my academics, my self esteem was shot I couldn't get over it I was neglecting a lot of my feelings at this point. So when I opened that letter and saw the words congratulations typed in that roman font I fell to the floor with excitement and tears, I knew how much it would mean to my parents and it seemed like a way out of all the things that plagued me throughout my high school career.

Dear Kai *****

    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Harvard University *******

Long story short I called my dad at work and listen as he bragged to his coworkers. When I told my mother she cried and at that moment I actually felt like I had done something for her that she couldn't do for herself. My mom never went to college she got ill at a very young age, so school wasn't always her first priority.

I almost forgot about going shopping with Kelly so I sprinted out of my house, and down the block. When I got to her front yard I hopped the fence and she popped open the door. "Your late, but I'm glad you're so happy to see me." I was sweating and panting, I could tell her parents were home because she held the door only slightly open behind her. I pecked at her cheek "Guess what?"

"What?" she answered in Korean, smiling as she stroked the sweat off my face.


"You love me." She giggled.

"try again." I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Kai!" she said popping her nails into my skin.

"Ahhhh... I guess you don't like Harvard guys then."

Her eyes lit up like matches and she jump into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. I dropped her and she pulled me inside. Mom! Dad! she screamed in Chinese before proclaiming my early acceptance to Harvard. They were so impressed her father hugged me for the first time. Her mother started running in and out of the kitchen spewing Chinese. Kelly turned to me "My mom said she'll make you dinner tonight, one fit for a king." I blushed and ran over to her mother and gave her a kiss. She slapped my cheek and laughed. Kelly asked to use the family car to which  her father answered "Go take a ride, give your mother a few hours to finish the meal."

Like two little kids we scrambled off. I can't drive so I shot gunned and Kelly took the wheel. We drove and drove telling jokes and planning out the next fours years of our lives. I kept asking myself do I want Kelly to be apart of it, my live that is. I was partly running from her because I wanted to start over, but I didn't want to be alone. She also applied to Harvard, but she wouldn't know the decision until march.

Kelly pulled over on a desolate road and kissed me. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt. This wasn't like the first time.  I'd had practice since then.

I Stalked my GirlfriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora