Chapter 3: Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Justin, this is my daughter, Beatrice. She's going to help you out around here." Dad kindly tells him. Justin just grunts in response, barely giving me a second look.

His cold hazel eyes skim over me before he completely looks the other way. Noah snickers behind him and Justin snaps his head back to look his way. Noah stops laughing almost right away. I smile a bit, but quickly stop.

"Okay... Justin must be hungry. Let's get some food into his system, yeah?" Jennifer suggests.

Dad claps his hands together, "Great idea. We'll eat and then Bea can show him his room." Dad looks over at me and I give him a small nod.

We all go to sit around the dinner table. Justin sits across from me and next to my dad. Jennifer sits on the other side of my dad and Noah in on my right. "He's kinda scary looking," He whispers in my ear, eyes set on Justin.

He's eyeing the soup that is set down in front of him, leaning forward to sniff it. Jennifer cringes and my dad doesn't even flinch. He just pats Justin on the back and the boy-man (probably man) sits back and picks up the fork.

"Wrong one, bud." Dad tells him.

He grunts, setting it down with a clatter and picks up the spoon. My dad nods with a smile and picks up his own spoon.

We all follow their lead and I try not to stare at Justin as he eats. He's quick to finish his soup and drop the utensil back into the bowl when he's finished. I see him wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and wait.

Soon other dishes with mashed potato, chicken, veggies and salad are coming in. Dad helps Justin with filling his plate and we all watch in horror as he gobbles everything up. He's eating fast, not even taking time to properly chew the food before he swallows it all down.

Jennifer looks disgusted and Noah still looks visibly nervous. I will myself to focus on my own food and not on the newcomer across from me.

Dad and Noah talk about his football game and Justin completely ignores them as he continues to eat. I pick at my veggies and take a few hesitant bites. I slowly peek up from my dinner and glance at the man in front of me.

He's stuffing his face with the mash potatoes, gravy dripping down his chin. Justin pushes back his long hair from his face and his eyes meet mine, making me practically jump out of my skin.

I tear my gaze away the second our eyes meet, a little embarrassed that he caught me. I didn't mean for him to catch me looking. If I'm being honest here, I'm kind of scared of Justin. He just looks so intimidating.

After dinner, dad leans back into his seat. "Well then, let's get you set up, yeah?" He looks over at Justin for confirmation. He just grunts in response. "Beatrice," Dad says towards me and I sigh, standing up.

"Okay. Let's go to your room." I say to Justin without exactly looking right his way. I was kinda scared to make eye contact with him after the first time we did over dinner. I stand up from my seat, pushing the chair back all the way so I can move.

I start walking, not exactly waiting to see if Justin follows or not. I patiently wait at the end of the staircase as dad and Justin walk towards the doorway. Justin picks up the bag by the door and doesn't say a word as my dad talks and talks. He seems way too excited about this whole thing if I'm being honest here.

"Can you take it from here, kiddo?"


"Great," Dad pats Justin's back, "He's all yours now."

I roll my eyes at him and start going up the stairs, trying to ignore Justin's eyes which were set on me. I could practically feel them burning holes through my body as I went up the stairs. I'm pretty sure he glanced at my butt a few times too.

I pull on the end of my button up shirt for extra measures and guide Justin down the hallway upstairs. We pass several photos of myself and Noah that hung on the walls and a few of the vases and artworks that Jennifer made my dad put up.

We reach my bedroom and I walk to the door across from it, opening it up. We had this room prepared for Justin in advance. "Well, this is it," I awkwardly gesture to the bedroom when we walk inside.

He simply peers inside, taking in the large king sized bed, dresser and desk in the room. There were a few plants in there as well and a large picture frame hung above the bed with a mirror hung above the drawers for Justin's clothes which were filled with new clothes for him.

The walls of the room were a plain beige with dark wooden flooring. There were two sofa chairs in the corner of the room with a small table between them which were set up by the large window that lead out to a balcony. There was also a chest at the end of the bed for the many pillows that were set on his bed, but I doubt he'd even use it. The room was the one of the largest guest rooms we had with a built in bathroom and walk in closet. Dad made sure it was perfect for Justin's stay.

Justin drops his bag in the middle of the room and just stands there staring at me. I slowly back away from him and towards the door. "So, you good? Or do you need me to show you how the bathroom works?" I stupidly ask. He knows how to use a bathroom, Bea! The voice in my head reminds me. He isn't stupid.

Justin doesn't utter a word.

I take his silence as a clear 'no'. "Okay then. My room is right across from yours so if you have any questions... yeah." I ramble, rushing out the room as soon as I was done. I almost tripped over my own feet and rammed into the wall.

I groan when I enter my room, flopping down on the bed. This was terrible.

How am I going to get along with this guy? He doesn't even talk!

I pull out my phone and text Jamie, telling her every detail about the dinner and meeting Justin.

That night, I can barely fall asleep. The only thing on my mind is the jungle boy who now lives in my house and is right across my door.



Yay! Justin and Bea have met!

Hope this wasn't too boring :/ I couldn't really find a more interesting way for them to meet, I legit wrote and re-wrote this chapter like three times. Anywho, comment, vote and add if you want!

Thoughts on this chapter?

Love you guys loads,


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