I slid off the bed and grabbed my backpack.

"Have a good day Ms.Lauren," I said to her before walking out and closing the door behind me.

I swear I heard a sigh in relief.


"Are you sure she's okay with going with you?" Cole asked for the fifth time through the phone.

"Positive. Why does it sound like you wanted her to say no? This was your idea." I asked, tilting my head to the side. I still can't tell if Cole actually likes Kris or not; he's too indecisive.

"Well sometimes us adults change our minds." He mumbled in response.

He is probably sitting at his desk right now, rearranging pens that are already neat. When he gets stressed out he likes to clean. It doesn't make a lot of sense because Ellie and I hate cleaning, but it always works out really well because he usually gets stressed out when Ellie or I throw temper tantrums and 30% of both of our fits are about us not wanting to clean.

"Well, you aren't allowed to change your mind because you're the adult." He isn't supposed to be the adult, but we have shitty parents, so it just worked out that way.

"Actually I think that's exactly why I get to change my mind." I don't want him to change his mind because I hate that woman and there is no way I was going through her sad attempt of giving me therapy alone.

"How's your girlfriend big brother?"

When I was met with a long beat of silence, I smirked at myself.

Whoever Cole's new girlfriend is, he knows that I'm not going to like her, which is why she hasn't been over to the house yet. However, I still feel bad because this also means that he really likes her and doesn't want me to scare her away. Because of this I've been low-key mentally preparing myself to meet her, but Cole doesn't know that.

"My boss is calling me Adri. Make sure and come home tonight. Love you." He quickly spoke before hanging up the call. I shook my head in amusement as I typed a reminder into my phone. He is going to have to contribute to the lie jar when he got home.

I placed my phone back into my pocket, my eyes scanning the carpool lane. If Kris doesn't get here in the next 10 minutes, her already slow death is going to include torture. My feet hurt and I'm hungry even though I've only been standing here for fifteen minutes and that I ate two hours ago.


On Halloween when I was seven, I was walking down the sidewalk going from door to door with Cole. Even as a teenager, Cole was the one taking care of me, because my parents didn't want to put forth the effort to take care of the crazy child.

Cole was gripping my hand tightly because even back then I liked to wander, and I didn't have a phone with a tracker in it yet. While we were walking though, this little boy thought it would be a good idea to try and scare me, because that's how normal, little kids flirt.

But I was not a normal kid.

He was lucky that I was slightly medicated and that Cole was holding on pretty tightly to one of my hands. However, even Cole wasn't fast enough to stop me from sending my other fist flying into the boys face. The good news was that the boy only needed stitches and Cole didn't yell at me because it was self-defense.

Anyway, the moral of this story is: don't sneak up on suicidal and homicidal 7 year-olds.

You'd expect for the same thing to happen again now when someone else thought it would be a good idea to try and sneak up on me, but of course it didn't. Because the person sneaking up on me is Kris, and she likes to defy the rules of the universe.

The Thoughts That Weren't SuicidalWhere stories live. Discover now