How it all started

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I scream as I see her go down. My dad shoots the person who killed her. I go over filing my tiny little arms around her.
"Mommy please don't leave me" she shushes me.
"My princess take my locket and you will always remember me" she hands me her locket and I put it on. She smiles and let's out her last breath.
"No mommy please" I choke.
"Guards take her to her room" my dad orders. They pick me up but I start screaming and kicking.
"NO PUT ME DOWN SHES MY MOTHER" after several attempts I give up and start crying.

A few weeks later daddy says we are having guests from another kingdom. Him and my brother have been ignoring my existence since mother died. The maids help me pick out a pretty dark blue dress the color of my eyes. They do my curly hair all pretty and put my tiara on my head. I go down to the thrown room.
"Hello daddy" I say. He just sits there. Nothing. "Fine!" I scream. I run back to my room and take off my dress. I take out some black leggings and a t-shirt and a  black sweatshirt and my uggs. I never liked dresses anyway. I ran to the kitchen and put some food into my back pack and leave.

If they don't want me then they don't get me.

I ran away two years ago. I'm 7 now. I ran across the kingdom of Oceiana. I haven't eaten in days. I'm weak and vulnerable. I'm smart but small someone could easily overpower me. There  have  been some close calls but I'm fast. I keep running. I accidentally run into a small boy. He looks about my age. He looks me up and down.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I nod slowly scared of what he could do. He's easily more muscular and a little bigger than me. He sees the scared in my eyes. He softens his face and smiles at me. "I'm not going to hurt you" he reaches out to my arm. I flinch. I got a cut from falling yesterday. He looks at it and his eyes widen. "I'm so sorry" he looks into my eyes. "I'm bringing you home get you cleaned up and some food and a bed to sleep in and you can stay as long as you like. Mother always wanted a girl around the house" he hands me his coat. "Here" he puts it around my shoulders and steers me to his house.

I gasp at his castle.
"Your a prince" I state.
"Yeah but your my friend my mom will let you stay but my dad will need to be more motivated but my mom can always let him agree or just give him a puppy dog face. I promise you your face is to cute to say no to" we laugh. In the short walk we've already gotten close. I told him I ran away and why. He promised not to tell anyone who I was.
"Let's go get you cleaned up then we can show you to my dad" I nod. We walk in to see his mom and the maids working on dinner. Once she sees me her eyes widen.
"Oh sweetheart what happened" she ushers me forward. "Lucas a stool Janet get me a bowl of warm water and a rag. And Lacey some clothes"
"No dresses" I say. She laughed and nodes.
"Yeah you look better without a dress anyway" she turns to another maid. "Get a bath ready we need to wash her hair" the maid nods and leaves. She turned to Lucas. "Lucas go get me that stool for your friend" he groans.
"For the last time mom it's Luca" I snicker. He glares at me. His mom gasps.
"A prince does not glare at a lady what have I taut you" he nods. I hold my chin up and nod at him.
"Yeah Lucas you shall not glare at a lady" once his mom turns around he sticks his tongue out at me and I stuck mine out right back. He grabs a stool and I sit on it. His mom starts cleaning my wounds.

After my bath and stuff and after I get dressed. Sara (his mom) does my hair.
"I've always wanted a daughter to do her hair and dress her up" I smile.
"Now you have me I'm never going back to my home it's not even a home to me hasn't been since my mother died" she gives a sad smile.
"Why did you run away"
"After my mom died my father and brother ignored me I had enough so I ran it was hard on the streets last year I ended up in your kingdom it was rough some close calls here and there but I'm fast and small not muscular but a speedy little thing and I got a big mouth. I was starved at points but nothing I couldn't handle then Luca found me and was the first to be nice to me" she smiled.
"Yes he has a kind soul loyalty is his fatal flaw but he embraces it" I laugh.
"There. beautiful" I look at myself. I'm clean for one thing. My hair is in a side braid to the left side of my head and at the end is little curls. I'm wearing black leggings because we found out I hate dresses and jeans. I'm wearing a cute quarter length shirt and some combat boots.
"Wow" I say. She smiles.
"You look amazing now let's go present you to my husband" I giggle. Luca comes back in and looks at me. After ten seconds he turns to his mom.
"No" he points to me. I frown.
"What do you mean she looks beautiful" his mom says.
"Yeah every boy maid will look at her she's my friend I can't have that" I roll my eyes.
"Your not my dad and we're 7 I'm fine" I walk past him. He catches up to me.
We walk to the throne room. We walk in and I feel like all eyes are on me. His dad(I'm assuming) looks at me. He turns to Sara.
"Who's this and why is she here"
"I'm Piper sir" he looks at me.
"Why are you here"
"She was alone on the streets with cuts and bruises she looked my age and I couldn't let her stay there when she could get more hurt and starve it wasn't fair so I took her here she's my friend and she's staying I don't care what you say" I stare at Luca.
"Luca you don't need to speak to him like that I was doing fine if he sends me out again I'll be fine"
"I like your bravery little girl you look suitable you may stay there is an extra room by Lucas' room and as long as you take lessons you may stay" I bow.
"Thank you"
"What lessons do you want"
"Sword/knife and writing"
"I require you to take lady lessons with Sara while Lucas takes prince lessons" I nod.
We walk out and when we're out of earshot we do happy dances. Then we burst out laughing.
"Come on let me show you your room"
I nod as he leads me down the hallway.
K so it's more like 21st century because I didn't want her to wear those dresses like no not happening. It's basically when every country has a king and King.
So ya.
Luv y'all ❤️

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