After a few more minutes of the two teams jogging and throwing the ball, they line up to start the game. I know how much everybody wants this, and deep down I know I do too. The chance of our team winning is a small percentage since we are against an undefeated team. Although, there is a glimmer of hope that revolves around two people on our team. So as the boys run across the court, I can feel my heart beat faster every time we come closer to scoring another basket.

Shoes squeaked against the gym floor as they ran back and forth at high speeds. My eyes were fixated on the orange ball, and I felt myself get out of my seat a little when we finally scored. All of the boys on each team were sweating like crazy, and it was a tight game. It was the second half of the game and both of the teams weren't budging. Fouls were called, and free throws were shot. 

Now this game seemed like it should be one for the movies. The score was 16-18. Our team had to score once just to be tied with the other team, and then score again to win the game. With only two minutes left on the scoreboard, a win seemed almost impossible, but our team wasn't giving up. My heart was pounding out of its chest at this point, and everybody was hanging onto the edge of their seats. After a timeout from our team, Levi and Eren took the stage and the crowd went wild. I knew it was their best shot for a win. As much as I hated to admit it, they did make a good team when they were under pressure.

They zoomed off the second that the clock started to tick down. I stared at Eren the whole time, seeing how much he had improved compared to his first game of the season. I caught myself whispering "Faster, Eren!" a few times. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Levi maneuver through guys who were twice as tall as him, and jump up for a layup. The crowd jumped out of their seats as the ball made a swishing sound as it went through the basket. The bright red numbers now read 18-18. Another timeout was made by the opposing team. I looked around at my friends, and they all had serious looks on their faces. We all wanted this so desperately bad. I wanted us to win. I wanted to be filled with happiness and excitement. After the scoreboard buzzed to indicate that time was up for the timeout, the players took their positions once again. 

There was only a minute left on the clock. I could hear my own blood rushing in my ears, and I could feel my heartbeat in my head. We had to win. We just had to. Fifty seconds left, and everyone was scrambling around trying to make a basket. Then forty seconds dwindled down to thirty, then twenty, and still no basket. Out of the corner of my eyes I caught sight of the one person who might be able to win this for us. Eren was running out of speed as he raced over to the other side of the court, and with only fifteen seconds left, I was scared he wasn't going to make it. I don't know what compelled my body to do this, but as the whole crowd was silent in anxiousness, I lept out of my seat and shouted with all the air in my lungs, "GO EREN!" Everyone around me looked at me with wide eyes, but I didn't care because for a millisecond, he looked back. He looked at me, and I was met with his emerald eyes again. All of the bad things disappeared for that split second, and he was all I cared about. Everything moved in slow motion for those last ten seconds. Eren's legs stretched farther, and it seemed as if he had a new burst of energy, saved just for this last moment. He then lifted off of the ground as if he were going to fly, and he released the ball into the air. A needle could have dropped in the gym, and every person could have pinpointed where it fell. That's how quiet it was while the ball was soaring through the air. Eren's momentum started to fall, and his feet finally touched the ground, and at that same moment, the ball hit the backboard, and sank gracefully into the net.

If it was silent before, it was as if fireworks went off in the gym when the scoreboard buzzed out, and lit up the score of 20-18. All of my friends started to hug each other, but I had a different idea in mind. I raced down the numerous steps and onto the court. I ran as fast as I could, and leapt into the brunette's arms. I could feel the sweat through his jersey, and he was breathing heavily, but I honestly couldn't care less. He stood still for a few seconds, probably trying to process everything that just happened, but he eventually threw his arms around me. "Hey Blondie, I've missed you." He whispered in my ear. I honestly could've burst into tears right then and there, but that might have been a little too dramatic. Instead, I just hugged him tighter and said, "You have no idea how much I've been wanting you to say that." Instead of questioning me, he simply hugged me tighter, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

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