Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Parker!" I yelled. "Goodness, you gave me a fright."

"Sorry, babe," he said yawning. "Ready to sleep?"

"Why did you wait up for me?" I asked walking over to him and snuggling under his arm to warm me up. "I could have gone to bed myself."

"That's all right," he answered walking up the stairs along sides me. "I wanted to wait up for you."

"Thank you," I said to him. "Thank you for bringing my parents to me, when I couldn't. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I just can't express it enough."

"Maybe you can show me?" He asked waggling his eyebrows as we walked through our bedroom for the night. It turned out to be Parker's old room when he was a child growing up.

I rolled my eyes and laughed stripping off my hair from the bun it was in. "Not under your parents' house and definitely not with the kids next door." I crawled under the covers patting the empty space between me. "Come on, Parker. Let's go to sleep."

"Just sleep?" He pouted pulling me close to him in bed as he got in.

I nodded and muttered sleepily, "Only sleep."

"Momma?" Luke asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"It's me, my angel," I replied stroking his matted hair. I was leaning over the bed trying to wake him up the next morning but didn't have the heart to. He looked so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake them! Although my eldest son woke up as soon as I touched him. "Time to wake up."

"Where's Peyton?" He patted the empty space where his younger brother was sleeping the night. 

"He's downstairs," I answered picking my son up and seated him on my lap as I sat down. "Angel, I want you to meet some people this morning." I referred to my parents, his grandparents, who were already here having a nice conversation with the rest of the adults. Peyton was already with them, already warmed up to them quickly.

"Who?" He asked leaning his head against my chest sleepily. 

"You'll see." I stood up him still in my arms. "Come on. Let's go freshen up and you can have breakfast."

I walked into the bathroom sitting him on the sink counter. I took a washcloth and dabbed it with warm water splashing it onto his face to wake him up a bit. 

"Momma! That tickles!" He laughed out loud as I reached his armpits.

"Does it?" I asked nonchalantly digging in to tickle him further. 

He nodded still squealing. "Stop it! Please, Momma!"

"Since you said the magic word..." I grinned and kissed him on his forehead.

I quickly changed his pajamas into clean clothes and walked with him down the stairs hand in hand. It just seemed like a few months ago when I had to carry him in my arms! I led him to the tremendous sun room where everyone was talking and having their late breakfasts. I opened the sun screen door spotting my parents right away with Peyton now in Parker's arms. Agatha and Thomas were chatting with my set of parents. Ellie was the only one missing who I assumed left to go pick up Jack from the airport.

"Oh is that the famous Luke?" My mum asked lightheartedly looking at her only other grandson. 

I smiled and nodded pushing Luke gently into her arms. "Luke, angel, that's your Grandma Laura."

Luke looked up at me concerned and ...frightened almost. "Grandma? She's my grandma!" He pointed straight to Agatha who had a piteous smile on her face.

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