Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Father answered for me. "He's a very powerful man. I'm sure getting a way to contact us was no problem. You chose a very nice one to marry, Eleanor Rose." I smiled, loving the way I get to hear my dad call me Eleanor Rose. He was the only one who ever did so.

"I know I did. I'm very lucky with him."

"Why don't you tell us everything, dear?" Mum asked rubbing my arm. "We've missed so much of your life. I missed my only daughter and child's biggest accomplishments."

And so I told them in a very long discussion of what my life has been like after we soon stopped seeing each other. My mum, especially, cried out in tears of when I told her of my very weakest moments. When I was homeless with two kids, and Riley leaving me. It was very painful for her to hear, and I to tell, about those years before Parker.

Although as soon as I told them about when I met and married Parker, I found myself eager and delighted to tell them. How he treated me nicely and took my sons in as their own. I told them the truth about how I intentionally only married him for the money but grew to love him in the end. My own gallery. (They apologized for not believing and supporting my talents then.) I was proud to tell them my life, not one bit ashamed.

"I'm so proud of where you've come from," Father told me. 

"And I'm glad that in a way, you've come to a peaceful moment in your life," Mum added. 

"It's never peaceful with having two toddler boys around," I said frowning, "but they're my pride and joy. I would never trade them for the world."

Mum perked up, remnants of her tears gone. "Speaking of which, I am very excited to meet my grandsons. If you let me, of course."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Of course I would want that! That's all I ever wanted when I had them. For you both," I looked at my father, "to accept and meet your adorable grandsons."

She smiled sadly. "It's just... When you first visited with a baby in your arms on our doorstep, I panicked thinking you ruined your whole life. I didn't want a reminder of that... that Riley." She spat out.

I shook my head adamantly. "No more. No more of him. Luke and Peyton, they are Parker's sons. Always will be." After a moment, I yawned. "How has your lives been, Mum? Father?"

"Maybe we should continue this conversation tomorrow," Father suggested with a bemused smile. "My daughter is the definition of sleep-deprived."

"I can stay awake," I mumbled yawning once again. Oh gosh! I was just like Luke earlier this night. It was just that... I was afraid of waking up the next morning and seeing them gone.

"We will be here first thing in the morning. Agatha and Thomas has so graciously offered to have us for breakfast. We won't be gone. Like we said, we are never leaving our daughter again," Mum assured me as if reading my mind. She was definitely my mother. 

I nodded standing up. "Where are you guys staying for the night?" I followed them, walking over to the huge doors.

"Just a hotel downtown," Father said putting on his coat. He kissed me on my forehead. "Good night, Eleanor Rose. God knows how long I have wanted to bid you a night farewell in years. I love you, don't ever forget that." 

I smiled kissing his cheek. "Good night, Father. I love you too." To Mum, I hugged her quickly. "Good night, Mum. I love you."

"Night, honey," she said kissing me on the cheek before following my dad into the car I remembered they had always been using while traveling.

I stood in the open doorway never minding the cold air seeping inside and shivering me to my bones. I watched as my mom waved from inside the car until they disappeared through the long driveway. I finally closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it, and turned around only to jump up in alarm at seeing a figure by the staircase.

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