"You will see when we get there." He says and put his other hand on ours. After like another hour he stood up and stop it. I still don't know on what we are riding and where are we. All I know is the open air.

"Come." He take my hand to make me stand with him. We walk on again wooden floor and step on few stairs before we stop. It feel like we were on top of something and fall down anytime.

Suddenly blind fold were off and I blink few times to clear my vision. It took me few minutes to see where we are. My eyes widened in surprise when I look straight. Yellow and orange color was in sky and sun was setting. We are standing on corner of the boat hands in hands. Rauhan was standing next to me and I could feel his eyes on my but I keep looking straight and trying to capture the beautiful moment with my eyes. I had never thought he could do all this for me. It is the best view I had seen in my life.

"You like it?" He asked quietly. I looked at him with watery eyes and nodded. I hugged him tightly and let the water fall from my eyes. He pulled away and turn me, so my back is to him and I was looking at the sun set. He lifted my hands with his and make a titanic pose.

"We aren't on titanic Rauhan" I laughed at the pose. He chuckle and leaned forward.

"I know. I just wanted to stand with you like this." He said. We stand in silences and watch as the sky started to get in darker shade.

"Where are we going now?" I asked him as he pulled me back inside. He told me he rented the boat.

"To eat dinner." He says and walk upstairs where our dinner was planned. A soft music was playing from corner and a blanket was placed in center with dishes and drinks set on it. We sit down on blanket. I look around while he served food in our plates. Everything was perfect and we are perfect. I had never thought Rauhan could do these things. We did a light conversation about enjoying here and how much I like his surprise. I told him honestly I wouldn't expect this from him but he simply say he never do for anyone which I already know because it will be Haram if he do. After dinner we put everything on side and laid back on blanket and staring up in sky and looking at shinning stars.

"What?" I asked when I caught him staring me. He shook his head with a smile and looked back at sky. It make me angry when people look at me and shake their head.

"Tell me." I pushed it. He do it again. "Fine." I pushed him away which make him laugh and make me more angry.

"I just want to ask do you really love me?" He asked seriously after his laughter died down.

"No." I smirked at his shocked expression. He narrowed his eyes and start to tickle me. I was laughing and it make me breathless.

"S-stop." I try to push him away but he didn't move.

"Tell me, do you love me?" He asked again. I smirked and shake my head in no. He start again but this time harder than before.

"O-okay. I-I give up." I say between my laugh and breathing heavily. He quickly stop and waited for me to continue but I didn't say anything just looking into his eyes.

"I am waiting." He sing. I smile and look away at his continuous stare. He turned my face to him and I smirked when I get an idea.

"I love you Mr. Headache." I grin at his shocked expression. I know he wasn't expecting this. I was kind of forget the name I gave him.

"You really know how to ruin the moment." He rolled his eyes but I see the smile on his face.

"I know." I patted myself with a fake proud smile on my face.

"And I hate you for that." He said making me gasped at him.

"Do you say you hate me?" I asked with fake watery eyes. His eyes were wide and panicked. I smirk mentally. I can make him fool so easily.

"N-no. I didn't mean to say that." He says worriedly and I turn my face away from him and smile mischievously.

"I am sorry Khadija but I didn't mean to say that. I would never hate you for anything. I love you and I always do." He says and turn me look at him. He frowned when he saw the smile. I look at the sincerity in his green eyes.

"I was only joking Rauhan. Why you get seriously so easily?" I asked him. He glare at me.

"I never get seriously easily with everyone but you. I love you so much Khadija and it hurt me when you think like that." He says and I saw sadness in his eyes. It break me from inside to see him like this.

"I am sorry Rauhan. I don't want to make you sad." I apologized for doing fun with him.

"It's okay. It's just hurt me of you thinking that I hate you. I would never hate you Khadija. I love you with all my heart. You are my life. Trust me, I would never think living without you." He says softly while caressing my cheeks. I smiled and leaned into his touch. I swallow lightly when he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and feel his soft lips on mine. The feeling of his soft lips against mine was the something I love.


Update! I hope you like it. Let me know what you think about this chapter.

9 Chapters Left.

Next Update will be soon.


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