Do you love me?

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"Amber come on lets go to the casino!!!," "Megan I'm not even old enough to go to the casino!!!" "Omg fake ID remember?" "oooh yeah, actually I think I left it upstairs, ill go get it!" My name is Amber Brighten. Im 19years old, what's a 19year old doing in Vegas for a week you may ask? Well its my sister Megan's 21st Birthday. So I decided to get a fake ID and come along with her.

"Wait hold the elevator please," I yelled to this kid who was already inside the elevator. "Thanks!" "You're welcome," the guy replied. Elevators are pretty awkward, especailly when you're in one with a really attractive guy. "What level are you on?" he asked. "oooh right ummm, shoot I forgot, oooh wait im on floor 8!" "How funny so am I!" he said. The elevator doors opened and we both got out and started walking the same way. Since i'm so awkward I didn't really say much, actually I said nothing at all. I was just walking to my room and it seemed like he was following me. When I approached my room I took out my key and he did the same. Turns out he was right across the hall!!! "Well, see ya later," he said. "Yeah see ya."

After I got my fake ID I went back down to the casino, my sister and I played a couple slots. Then we went to the bar/club and she started drinking. I didn't really feel like it. Before I knew it my sister was a tad bit tipsy and was all up on this dark haired guy... Jayk I guess his name was. Out of no where this fairly attractive fellow appraches me.

"Hey beautiful," he said, "wanna get out of here?" "Umm no no im ok," I said nervously, "Im only 19" "really then how did you get in here?' he asked me. "Fake ID bro," I was starting to get annoyed. "Well whatever 19is legal." Before I knew it he was touching me quite inappropriately and I was pretty uncomfortable. "Hey buddy can you back up off my girl?!" it was the guy from the elevator!!! "oooh sorry man I didn't know she was yours." "yeah well she is soooo move" said the kid from earlier. "Hey thanks!!!!" I said to him. "No problem, you looked uncomfortable so I felt like I had to do something, especially since your sister over there is getting pretty comfy with my friend." "oooh yeah haha, she's pretty tipsy." "So if you're 19why are you here?" he asked me. "Its my sisters 21st birthday so I wanted to come with her. Hey you look pretty young what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, Jayk, myself and my three other bros TC, Devin and Drew are touring here for a bit."

"oooh thats awesome!" I didn't bother to ask what for because I didn't really care. I think he noticed because then he said "... uhhhh aren't you gonna ask me why we're touring?" "Did you want me to?" I didn't mean to sound rude but I don't really take well to cockiness. He replied with "Well I just can't believe you don't know who we are." "Why would I know who you are? I just met you" "well my band is pretty known" "Obviously its not since idk who you are" by this point I was dissappointed because he seemed like a sweet guy, they always do at first. Just then a random sleaze bag came rushing up to him "BLAKE BLAKE OMG BLAKE!!!!" I'm really glad she said his name because before then I had no idea what it was. Anyway she continued with "What are you doing later?!" "Actually I'm gonna hang out with my friend Amber." I was shocked, what the hell was he talking about? "ooooh who's she" "His friend, duuuh he just said that," damn I was just fiesty tonight. She walked away all pissed off. Blake turned and looked at me with a smirk on his face "See, told ya!" "oooh whatever man."

"Hey help me find my sister, I kind of lost track of her." "oooh ummm, I'm pretty sure Jayk took her to our room." "WHAT!!! OMG!" "Relax she's fine, come on ill take you up right now." So we went to their room. Pssshhh room!!! Theeese guys had a full on suite going on!!! There must've been at least 4 bedrooms!! They had a private balcony and a pool and just everything! "whooooa, this is your room?! Why so snazzy?" I asked. "I told you we're touring so we're gonna be here a while." "oooh right makes sense ahahaha" I saw Megan out by the pool with Jayk and I figured she must've taken him in our room so she could get her bathing suit but I didn't mind as long as she was safe."Little sissy!!! What izzz uhhhp?" oooh god I could tell she was drunk. "Live it up while you can Megs you'll be feeling it in the morning," I replied. "She'll be feeling something alright...," Jayk stated. 'Bro can you not thats her sister" Blake chimed in, he must've seen the horrified look on my face. "ooooh ummmm... awkward," Jayk said. "ooooh who's this lovely Abercrombie Model Bamby?" Megan said. "Bamby?" Blake asked. "Yeah she calls me Bamby instead of Amber sometimes, I HATE it!" "It's kind of cute, like you, I understand why she calls you that," Blake stated so sweetly. "Bamby I like this guy go for him!!! Screw Jason!!!" stated my drunk older sister. "who's jason?" "her douche bag ex boyfriend who screwed her over completely! This asshole was with her 6months, took her v-card then totally bounced! Then the dick has the nerve to tell her he still loves her!" "WOOOOW Megan, thanks for throwing my business out there, god you're sooo annoying when you're drunk." "I beg to differ," Jayk said.

Do you love me?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя