Chapter 1

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My eyes rapidly scanned the computer screen hoping to see something different or a typo of some sort, but sadly everything on that page was true.

I was indeed fired from my job of 6 years and I was also so late on my apartment bills that I may get evicted in less than a month.

I held my head in my hands as I slightly ran my fingers through my hair in a way to reduce to headache that's raging in my skull right now, a few tears fell down my face yet I made no attempt to wipe them from my face.

This will not break me I'm Ariel Sanderson and there is no way in hell that I'm going down like this. I didn't move here from Ireland to just give up and move back in with my mum.

I started frantically searching online for jobs, I clicked on a website named 'Fernandi inc.' it seemed like all the gods and heaven shined down on me, they were frantically searching for an assistant for Mr. Fernandi himself, I looked more into detail about the job and I saw that this job pays a lot of money.

I noticed that they schelduled the interviews for it to be set up in exactly two days, I got up and ran to my closet I tore my closet door open to only find pairs of jeans and hoodies hung up. If I wanted to get this job something big needed to happen- And that big thing is shopping.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and dialed my lord and savior- aka my best friend, Julia Germann. She quickly answered the phone the sound of a blender sounded throughout the call, soon the annoying noise stopped making me sigh of relief, "Sorry about that I saw this new juice cleanse thing on Instagram and I had to try it out!" her enthusiasm made me cringe internally, "So what were you calling about again?"

I was grateful for her reminding me because I forgot myself, "I desperately need to go shopping and you being the fashion guru that you are I decided to call you so we can go shopping together?" I cringe at the way I sounded, I sounded like a 80 year old Irish man, Julia chuckled at my question "Sure, but what do you need to go shopping for hun' ?"

I quickly responded "There's and interview at Fernandi inc. and I don't have any dress clothes, basically all I have is jeans and hoodies" she sighed in displeasure but quickly covered it up with an artificial giggle "You do know who Mr. Fernandi is right?" I shook my head but quickly remembered that she couldn't see it, "uh no? Am I supposed to?" she clicked her tongue "I guess not, you'll have to see for yourself."

I sighed "okay well what time do you wanna come over, cause' I'm low on time really." I heard her grab something then she quickly rushed over the phone saying "I'll be there in like 10 minutes get ready quickly you cow."

I laughed at her choice of words, and then shortly hung up the phone, I put on a pair of black leggings and a random sports team hoodie, I rushed into the bathroom and quickly put on my regular makeup routine, mascara, winged eyeliner and some eos lip balm.

Once I was finished with my hair I walked into my living room and turned on the tv, I went onto my Netflix account and clicked into my all time favorite show American Horror Story, I was re-watching the first season over again for the fifth time now and I still wasn't bored of it. I was just getting into the part about the piggy-piggy man when my doorbell went off sounding thought my apartment.

I sighed out of annoyance and opened the door, all my anger washes away as I saw my best friend standing in the doorway. Julia took off her sunglasses and put them in her purse abruptly "The Queen is now here." she mimicked in a posh voice, I laughed at my friends craziness.

Sometimes I wonder about her sanity, "Well your highness it's a pleasure to meet you" I bowed she held out her hand expecting me to kiss it but I merely slapped it away with a scoff of disgust- again she laughed at my actions.

We arrived at the mall, I instantly felt out of place. Everyone had on expensive brands of clothes and I merely had on a pair of leggings an a hoodie. This was pajamas for 99.9% of the people here, what in the world did I get myself into?

Julia immediately ushered me into a store that looked like half the clothes there costed more that a years worth of my rent. She picked out several series of outfits and jewelry to match with it.

Three hours later we were finished shopping and the dulling ache in my feet told me that today was a good day, We walked into a local Italian restaurant, Julia had a grin plastered on her face ever since we began this shopping experience.

I had begun to ask her about her weirdness but the waiter came to ask us for our order, I had simply ordered a ravioli dish and Julia ordered salmon saying that it was apart of her 'diet' .

"What in the world are you smiling about?" she raised he eyebrows in delight, "So you don't know who Mr. Fernandi is right?"

I simply nodded my head, confusion taking over my whole entire body Julia then spoke in a hushed voice as if she was afraid that someone would hear our conversation. "Mason Fernandi is the biggest CEO ever to exist, but the thing with him is that he is know for his brutal and dangerous ways." She continued on "He's a scary guy I must say. In interviews he always has this aura of darkness around him, it's freaky.."

My mouth opened in awe, questions racked through my brain and I constantly asked myself if I still wanted to go to this interview, was it really worth the shot?

But somehow the more I rack my brain the more I find myself being infatuated with the thought of Mason Fernandi.

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