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I woke up on the floor with Villia standing over me "are you okay?" She asked pulling me off the floor

"I have a headache, those where my memories?

"Yea all of them we need your skills , we need the executioner.

"I don't know who he is."

"He's inside you, look."

She then lunged at me her fangs out, at that moment I felt a rush then I jumped in the air at least twelve feet to the ceiling , I jumped back down kicking vallia in the head.

"What did I just do."

" you did nothing that was the executioner, that's who I need."

" I'm not him."

"yes you are, now come we need to go to the S.I.S they must know your back."

We walked out of the bark building Vialia's heels fought the ground making thunderous sounds as they hit the pavement, the car door opened showing a woman inside I knew this woman it was Wisteria her hair still purple

" We found one more now we just need the girl."

"Do you mean Ora?"

" And now he has his memory , so he also has HIS memory. "her brows heighted .

" yes, I have seen the executioner first hand."

" OK,OK, that's enough who is the executioner?" I said interrupting her.

" He was an idea , now he is a real thing a thing that lives in you , he was created by Mr. Grey or as you know him as the head of S.I.S . that day that Red was loose in the city I had to make a call I injected you with him his soul at least, I thought I had lost you, but now I see you are alive and well and just in time , you see Danny there is a new threat in the city that we need the executioner for. her then walked closer to me pulling out a small tablet with a picture of a woman  she was African American with a amazing afro. " her name is Foxy we need you to kill her...

I remember everything now , I remember Maxx and Ora and now I have a voice in my head, his name is the executioner . He was given to me by the S.I.S, I can hear him he wants to come out and play I need to hold him in until I meet foxy. the blood red car came to a stop.

" Where are we?"

"we are at the convent." villa then opened the door " these people will help you.

" Where did Wisteria go?"

" She needs to finds Maxx so she needed to go back to the eastern headquarters ."

We walked in the old church, to see a woman siting talking to the wall.

" He's not ready I tell you I've had another vision." she said

"A vision of what I interrupted". she turned to me I looked at the shocked face.
" of... of you."
"of me?"

Villia looked at her then me.

" meet Kelly she can see the future she's the queen of sight, we're going to need her help if you want to find Foxy."

The woman who I now  knew as Kelly stood up.

"I've seen Maxx .... he's going to be in trouble soon he'll need your  help..."

With that my mission for Foxy was put on the back-burner burner. I needed to find Maxx. He was in New York.

I was there by the night. I didn't know it yet , but a ear was about to begin....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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