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"No!" I shouted for the fourth time.

"So you don't remember anything." detective Getm asked now for the fifth time.

"Come on!, I told u I can't remember what happened."

"An entire city is destroyed, we find you in the middle of all the debris, yet you can't remember anything."

"Yes ,yes exactly that I can't remember a thing."

"You know what I think, I think you don't what to remember."

Before I could state for about the seventh time that I could not remember what happen not even why I was there the door to the interrogation room swung open.
A woman entered she was clearly lugubrious she was older mid thirties with her light brown hair thrown poorly into a loose pony tail.
She ran to me with her arms open and eye makeup running down her face, she hugged me that's when I noticed the man behind her also clearly shaken by something. She pushed her freckled filled body away from me, whipped her misplaced makeup and began to speak.

"Are you OK Danny?, I knew you should have stayed home this weekend."

"Who is Danny and more importantly who are you."

Detective stepped in.

"He said he doesn't remember anything its probly the brain protecting itself from what happened."

"No I just don't know who this woman is."

The woman then grabbed my face.

"I'm your mother you are Danny,please you have to remember."

"Sorry I dont ."

"He will remember you Christiane." Detective Getm assured her.


We got to a house that Chris said was mine.
I walked in to the two story red brick house on to lightly stained green carpet to be greeted by a orange cat purring around my feet.

"That's your cat."

I looked at the small creature hoping that something would come. Hoping that I would be overwhelmed by memories of this cat and my family possibly even some friends.

I sadly got none of that just the shedding fur of the orange cat on my already dirty blue Levis.

"You will remember and if it is horrible or great even scary I will be here for you."

I looked at her and wished that I could love her but I could not remember her or the love. So I looked at her forced a smile.

I walked up stairs following her to my room.
"Where's my dad?" I just had to ask since the walls where plastered with photos of a man, Chris and I .
"He's on business trip I left after the cops called he will be back in a week." She smiled with a kind of nervous smile.

We walked into a room with a large bed a poor declarations scattered on the wall.

"This is your room I'm sure you can tell you didn't really spend a lot if time here."

I looked around the room and agreed with her.

"Did I have friends."
"Um,you had two their names where..."

She was interuppted by a knock on the door.

She ran down stairs ,I heard the door open then there was a scream, not like a horror scream but instead like a shocked scream. Following this I heard foot steeps walking up to my room which was sadly located at the top of the woolded steeps. I peeked my head out the door frame to see a light skinned woman with wild black hair wearing a red suit coat with black pumps that seemed to be playing a melody as she approached the room.

She walked in the room smiling at me.

"Danny,you are alive and well I hope."

"Who are you?"

"Vailia,is the name I am here to give u a gift."

"What is the gift and where is Chris."

"Shes down stairs and OK I put her to sleep until I leave."

"What is the gift you what to give me."

She then walked over to me.
"The Kingdom has been watching you ever since the battle in Pittsburgh."

She then opened her mouth and sunk her teeth into my arm.

"What the hell was that ,you walk in Chris's house and bite me."

"The bite, the bite is a gift we are bound now and soon I will give you your memories and the skills to protect yourself...

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