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My Saturday shift at Cliff's Rock N Roll Diner, is already bad enough with it's stuffy, too cramped atmosphere and rude customers, but now I have this anxiety building up, just to top it off.

   I keep frustratedly wiping my hands on my apron, to stop them from getting too clammy.

Gross, but effective. I don't want to drop anything, or worse yet smash anything, the boss will be at me as soon as it hits the floor. Cliff is a jerk.

    For the fiftieth time to day, I quickly pull out the note from my pocket and read it again.

      I have information about your mother. I'll be sitting at table 9 in your section at 8 o'clock, you wanna know more- B.

  I glance up to the clock hanging on the wall directly in front of me; it's ten to eight. My heart lurches  and I shove the little piece of paper back into my pocket worriedly.

   I'm not really the type of girl to follow cryptic messages from strangers, actually it sounds like a perfect way to get yourself murdered, but at the mention of mother... well, you can call me foolish for hoping.

"Hey, missy! You planning on serving us anytime soon?" An irritated voice breaks me free of my thoughts. My head snaps towards the large, red faced man sitting at table four with his skinny dark haired wife who is desperately trying to shush their screaming toddler.

   I plaster a large fake smile to my face, and hurriedly make my way to their table, pen and paper in hand.

"Sorry about the wait Sir, what can I get you?"

    The man huffs unimpressed, and opens up the menu in front of him, taking a good long look, his eyebrows furrowed as though it's hardest decision he's ever had to make.

"Hmm, let me see..." He muses, pursing his lips.

     I have to fight to keep the smile plastered to my face.

I'm not an irritable person, but it really, really irks me when people call me over to order, all annoyed with their panties in twist, and they haven't even picked out what they want yet!

  Finally, he orders a Double Rockin' Sizzlin' Smokin' Cheese Burger, with extra bacon and onion rings on the side as well as fries. It's just a salad for the mother and an ice-cream for the kid.

  'Murica land of the great.

   I walk into the kitchen, and stick the order up on the chef board, clear for him to see. Old Kenny's eyes don't work as well as they used to, he's always making mistakes with sauces and salt and sugar. It's not his fault, and he's a great cook, but Cliff sure isn't giving him an easy time about it.

   Like I said, Cliff is a jerk.

   I spin around and nearly crash into Wanda, who's brilliant red smile doesn't falter. Wanda was runner up for Miss Texas USA a few years back, and you can sure as heck tell. Day after day she comes into work looking like she thinks the judges are going to coming rushing into the diner, tell her the other girl died in a terrible accident, and that she's now the winner!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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