My heart fastened as the crackling sound of leaves stopped, and the growling began. My legs took a run for it, but they couldn't beat the speed of Jason's pitbulls.

I then tripped over a stick, his dogs standing over me. Then a even bigger shadow took over, my heart dropped as Jason pulled out his--

Knock, knock!

"REALLY." You wanna knock on the door when I get to a good part?

Knock, knock!

I groaned before getting out of the tub, bubbles falling down my body, slowly. I grabbed my towel, and my phone, reading on as I sped walked downstairs.

I opened the front door, the coldness of Fall taking over my body.

"Woah.." Nick stood, staring me up and down, I blushed a hard red, "Whats up?" I asked, trying to grab his attention.

"We've got a new case... Captain wants everybody in his office."

"Well I'm gonna get dressed.. wait in the living room I guess." I awkwardly replied.

Ugh... Now I have to wait to see if Jason's gonna kill Bella or not!

I threw on dark jeans, black tank, adidas jacket, and red converse. This better be good, I was just about to hit chapter 63.


Nick and I walked into Noah's office, taking the two seats that were left.

"Okay. We've got a late case. We've actally been trying to get this unknown man for a while now, and as of right now we might just have something on him." Captain Noah announced.

I knew exactly what this meant. This unknown guy that's been raping and killing all his victims has gotten another woman.

He's apparently really good at his "job" because each time we try to make a case on the asshole we have to close it because well, he's unknown.

"So basically we're starting another case that we're going to shut down..?" I asked. Everyone turned their attention to me.

Noah looked at me, his face dropped as I shrugged.

"Anyways," He turned on the projector, a picture of a dude with all black on, and an iphone, sitting on the hood of a car, popped up.

"This is our guy. Now all we see is a local citizen with all black on, typing away on his cellular device, on top of a black Maserati."

"Well it seems like he wants us to find him!" Nick rolled his eyes.

Noah chuckled, "This photo was taken by one of our spies who were tracking him down."

"How? We don't even know his name.." I threw in.

"Well yes, but this is the same vehicle that is always on the scene of a rape or kidnap by this man. So therefore, they're tracking the license plate!" Noah smiled.

Finally we're on something.

"As their picking up puzzle pieces for the discovery of this mystery man, we'll be getting answers from this young woman," an edgy looking, blonde girl popped onto the screen.

"She's the latest victim of our guy. Bautista, Amaro, Benson, and Thomas, get on this case!" Noah clapped his hands, indicating the meeting was over.

"Well I've got his name!" Olivia exclaimed, walking over to my desk with a small smile on her face, holding a picture of our guy.

"Really you get it when we leave his office?" Nick complained, "Shut up, Amaro. Spill, Benson." I waved Nick off, he's so impatient.

"Jason Mccann. 25. 6'3. From Canada."

I froze in my place. Jason McCann? He's real? My heart dropped into my stomach, my face turned into a hard red.

"You alright, Ariel?" Kaleb placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I nodded yes, but my mind said no. My phone then buzzed.

It was an update for Jason's Rifle.

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