Chapter 4

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Vicky's POV

Juan Pablo and I run through the woods which seem to have no end.

We take out our flashlights and turn them on since it's about 10:00 at night and start running when we encounter a group of people running away also. We stop and stare at each other, confused about what to do, but I guess Juan Pablo gets the memo because he goes into action.

"Who are you?" He says threateningly. He then takes out a knife from his back pocket and holds it up and gets into a ready stance.

The tree people stare back at him with wide eyes.

"WHO ARE YOU!" He yells more threatening than before.

"Nolan, Chloe, and Brad, sir." The guy in the middle said.

"State your position in this game." Is it bad that I think his is major sexy when he is commanding?

The guy in the middle hesitates to answer this.

"When I tell you to do something you do it!" Just the way that he stays calm when he talks is just sooo sexy.

"We are all positioned as the hunted." The girl now says. She is clearly a nerd as the other boy who has stayed silent through this entire exchange.

"Well, I have business to attend to, so I'm going to take pity on you and not kill you now. Now run off before I change my mind."

They bolt out of our sight and we continue to walk along.

"So, you never did tell me your name. Or your position in this twisted game." He says while we walk to no where in particular.

"It's Vicky."

"Your not lying to me are you?"

"No, I wouldn't lie about something as stupid as that."

"Oh okay. Well, if you haven't guessed it already, I'm a hunter. You should have picked up that already."

"Yeah I did. And I'm a hunted."

"Oh, that sucks."

"Not really. All I have to do is find a vulnerable hunter and then BAM! I'm on top."

"Wow, you got big dreams. But don't get ahead of yourself, there are some people out there that may be hard to beat."

"Like who?"

"Well, to start, there's me." I scuff and roll my eyes.

"I don't think I'll have to worry about you." I whisper under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing." I say in a sing-songy voice, looking around the woods so that he can't see the look in my eyes.

"Okay then."

"Who else do I have to worry about?"

"Well I only know one more person that's a big threat and that's Scar."

"Scar?" That seems like a super cartune-y name.

"Yeah. It's not his original name, but he was involved in a large accident so his face is a bit... Messed up."

"Oh." I don't want to ask about it any further because I would rather not have nightmares about a guy with a messed up face.

We walk in silence for a while until we come up to this large rock pile/small mountain.

"Woah." I stare up at it and see that the top is about a thousand feet above me.

"I think we just found it sex spot." Juan Pablo says. He starts walking ahead and I follow him. We walk around most of the mountain before we find an entrance.

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