Chapter 7

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Rudan's POV:

*the next day*

Beep beep beep

"Urghhhh" I groaned and slammed the alarm clock off. I got up and got into the shower.

After I got out of the shower I texted Maddie to see if she wants a ride to school.

Maddie ❤😍💕❤: Can you come over? ;(

Rudan: Of course! Whats wrong maddie?? :((((

After that she read it and didn't reply.

I quickly got dressed and drove to her house. I knocked and soon maddie opened. I quickly pulled her into a hug and she squeezed tighter. After a couple minutes we pulled apart.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

She nodded. She pulled out her phone and there was a Instagram that girls from her school made. Posting mean things about her. Calling her names, starting rumors. One thing that really got to me, was that there was a screenshot of when me and her were broadcasting together and it said,

"Maddie is a ugly stupid slut who is only using rudan for viewers. no one likes her, idek why shes still here. kys"

"Thats the best one." She cried hysterically "maybe i should" she mumbled, not meaning for me to hear.

"Maddie, you are a beautiful, loving, caring, smart girl. You are anything but a slut and I know your not using me for viewers. You mean the world to me and you are the reason I want to get up in the mornings. I love everything about you, that nose that you don't like I think is absolutely perfect. I love how you always put others before yourself. I love how much you love and care for your supporters. I love everything about you. you still look gorgeous as ever, even when your crying" I spoke and lifted her chin up with my finger. I put a strand of hair that fell behind her ear. I started to lean in and I soon kiss her. I felt her kiss back and wrap her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. After a couple seconds we pulled apart.

"Thank you, that means a lot. really." Maddie said and sent me a weak smile.

"I will always be here for you no matter what."

She nodded "thank you" I nodded back.

"Well i say screw school and lets stay home and eat food and watch tv all day." i suggested.

"Im down" maddie smiled.


Okay guys, I just wanna put this out there, that not everything in this book is the real deal. Some things will be altered. And stuff will be thrown in there to make the book more interesting. So if you read something and think ' hey that never happened.' or 'thats not how it went down' its okay i just put more stuff in it or something. Its just a story. Also nothing is against any of the boys, I know they are bullies or whatever but trust me theres no pick and chose lol. Anyway, i Love yal lots and see ya soooon"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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