Chapter 3

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Maddies POV:

Today was the last day of school. I walked into the school. I didn't need to bring anything because we don't do any school work on the last day.

"Hey maddie" I heard a familiar voice speak from behind you.. I turned around to see rudan.

"Hey" I spoke and continued to walk and he walked next to you

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Nothings wrong" I answered. I just felt sick. I wish I didnt have to come to school today.

"You sure?" he asked

"Yeah I'm just feeling a little sick. I wish I didn't have to come to school today" I spoke

"Wanna get outta here? we can do a younow broadcast together." He spoke

"Sorry I dont wanna ruin your ego" I spoke. They bullied me because I got viewers. Imagine what they would do when Im in rudans broadcast.

Rudan stopped walking and i continued to walk.

"Hey whats that suppose to mean?" Rudan asked coming to my side

I stopped walking and spoke.

"It means, you and your crew bullied me for having a bunch of viewers. Im not looking to get bullied even more for being in your broadcast. not counting the hate i will get for you having a girl in your broad cast." I spoke and walked out of the school and sped walk to my car. I unlocked the car and opened the door, only for someone to slam it shut.

Rudan held his hand out looking me in the eyes.

"What?" i spoke

"Give me your keys." he spoke

"What? No. Why?" I spoke.

"Its a surprise just give me your keys Im not gunna kidnap you" he spoke.

I hesitated, but gave him my keys. I walked to the passenger side and ran over and opened the door for me. I got in and he shut the door and got in the drivers seat. He started the car and left the school.

*** Hey guys. I know its short but its something. What do yal think rudan is going? how have yal been? What have yal done this summer? I went swimming this past weekend and my legs got sunburnt. I cant lay on the side of my left leg. Lol but im ok it will tan and look good.

QOTD (question of the day) : What do yal wanna do when you grow up?

Have a good day! remember you all are beautiful. Your not alone in this world! I care! If you guys need to talk just DM me. Love yal. Faith ***

My bullies- A Maddie Welborn FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora