Chapter 25

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"Who's ready for the carnival" yelled Sarah jumping up and down

"It's in 1 week" pointed out Ashley

"Yeah but I'm so excited" Sarah answered back

"We can't tell" I said sarcastically

"Hey Chloe" said Alec

"Hey" i said smiling

"Uh I have a question to ask you" he began but the bell rang cutting him off

"Oh I gotta to go to class, what did you need to tell me" I asked

"Never mind it's nothing" he said before walking away

"He was totally going to ask you out" said Ashley

"What no why would you think that" I asked, Alec would never want to go out with me I'm just.....ordinary

"He was fidgeting and nervous I'm calling it he's going to ask you out" she said

"No he isn't" I said completely disagreeing Alec would never ask me out

"Then let's do a bet 20 bucks says he'll ask you out by tomorrow" she said sticking her hand out

"20 bucks says he won't" I said shaking her hand

"Okay I got to go, don't wanna get detention for being late" she said before sprinting off

"Bye" I yelled to her before walking to class

The rest of the day went pretty fast
and I had no homework which was a plus

"I'm home" I yelled when I walked into the house

"Chloe" yelled eve as she ran down the stairs and jumped into my arms

"Hey you had a good day at school" I asked her as I set her down and put my stuff away

"Yup the best but I have a project, it's about leafs we have to make a collage so can you bring me to the park to pick some pleaseeee" she begged

"Uh just let me ask mom first" I said and went to find her

"Hey mom" I said as I stepped into her office

"Hey sweetie how was school" she asked putting down the papers she was looking through

"Good, eve wanted me to take her to the park for her project can we go" I asked

"Sure but bring a guard" she said

"Thanks mom bye" I said before going back to eve

"Okay eve, get ready we're going to the park" I said and she smiled widely before going to get ready

"Anthony" I yelled

"Hey Chloe" said Anthony

"Hey we're going to the park mom said we need to bring a guard so your coming with us" I said

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