My mom and uncle cheer as I finish reading the letter

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My mom and uncle cheer as I finish reading the letter.

"This is awesome, but I wish dad could be here." I say.

My dad has been in Iraq and I haven't seen him since he visited on Independence Day.

"Well sad time is over, let's go somewhere." My uncle says.

We all get in my mom's SUV and he starts driving somewhere. We drive for about half an hour before we come to a stop. We are at the airport in Dallas.

"What are we doing here?" Drew asks.

"We are picking up a friend of mine." He says.

We walk into the entry way and wait for about ten minutes before Nate tells us to follow him. We walk over to an area a little past the baggage claim. We see tons of strangers get off before we see someone in a uniform. It's our dad.

"Dad!" Drew and I yell at the same time as we run to him and hug him.

My mom is standing behind us crying. She walks over and joins the hug. People are clapping, smiling, cheering, and video taping us. Nate comes over and gives my dad one of those bro hug things.

"Why didn't you tell us dad was coming home?" I ask my mom.

"I didn't know. Nate planed this whole thing."

I turn and give Nate a hug and so does Drew. We then leave the airport together. On the way back home we tell dad every that he missed. I also tell him that I got accepted into the Naval Academy.

Drew doesn't fully know what college is just yet, but he acts excited with the rest of us.

"So Uncle Nate, how did you pull the homecoming off?" I ask.

"Your father had the chance to come home three weeks early and he called me because he knew I was coming home. I then told Nat that a good friend of mine was returning and I asked if we could pick him up." He says.

When we get home my dad goes to shower, change, and unpack.

I sit down with Drew and explain college to him.  "Hey Drew, I am going off to college in the fall. Do you know what that means?"

"You moved past high school."

"Yes, but it also means I will be gone except for on brakes."

"But we can still hang out on weekends right?"

"No, I will be on the other side of the country in Maryland. You can still visit on certain days."

Drew looks sad but nods in understanding. I then go across the street to Jake to tell him.

I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer the door. Liam opens up the door. "Hi Liam, can I talk to Jake?"

"Sure. JAKE!!" Liam yells up the stairs.

"WHAT?!?!" Jake asks as he walks down the stairs.

"Door!" Liam says less loudly.

Jake pushes past Liam to see who is at the door. I look at him and realize that he is just wearing a pair of basketball shorts and his hair is messy. "I was at the gym earlier." He says when he notices me looking.

"Ok, I need to talk to you." I say

"You got accepted to ....."

"The Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland "

"That's far. I got accepted to Texas A&M University. It's three hours away."

"Well, I will come back as often as possible, but it is twenty-one hours away."

"So, are you joining the Navy?"

"I'm joining the Marines."

"Well is this summer it?"

"I hope not. I am willing to try if you are."

"I'm willing to."

"Good. Let's see make this summer last. Want to come over for dinner? My uncle and dad are home."

"Sure. Let me put some clothes on."

Jake puts a shirt on and fixes his hair. We then walk together to my house.

When I walk in I see Drew rushing to the patio. I walk with Jake to the patio to find my dad and uncle Nate grilling burgers and hot dogs and drinking. "Hey Lexi and boy." uncle Nate says.

"Hi uncle Nate, this is my boyfriend Jake."

"Hi Jake, I'm Navy SEAL Commander Nathan Miller." my uncle says as he extends his hand to be shake.

"Jacob Hawk" Jake says as he shakes my uncles hand. My uncle does that thing where they squeeze the other person's hand as hard as they can.

"Nice to meet you Jake. I hope to get to know you over the summer." My uncle says as they let go.

'This is going to be a fun summer.' I think to myself as I grab a soda as sit down to eat.

"Let's toast to the wonderful men in my life who returned safely from war today." My mom says.

Picture of uncle Nate

🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗Picture of uncle Nate

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Watermelon Kiwi pops⬆️

Authors Note
This is not the end there is 1 more chapter and maybe a sequel. Let me know if you want a sequel.

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