Chapter 7

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They all walked into Harry's room, Louis a few steps behind the others, he was thinking if Harry woke up he could sneak out without being seen. But all those thoughts fled when he got a good look at the boy in the bed.
Harry was laying there with a breathing tube down his throat, a tube sticking out of his right side, to drain the blood from his punctured lung, there were iv's in his arm administering fluids, and an assortment of other wires to monitor his heart rate and other bodily functions. It was almost like someone had flipped a switch in Louis, one second he was fine, the next his head was spinning and lost all control of his body. His legs gave way and he just sat down where he was at. Not once did he take his eyes off the boy lying in bed in front of him though.

Liam was the first to notice Louis, so he motioned for Niall to help him get him off the floor and into one of the chairs. While Gemma walked to Harry's bedside and grabbed his hand. "Oh, Peanut, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, but maybe now they will keep dad in jail and you will be safe." She says. Liam pushed a chair to her so she could sit down then he sat with Niall and then they all waited.
They waited to see if Harry would wake up, if Louis would be able to hold it together, and if Greg Styles would stay locked up.

Thankfully they didn't have to wait too long on the first one. After being there only 3 hours they were all jerked from whatever it was they were doing or thinking about when a low moan came from the boy lying in the bed. Gemma, Liam and Niall jumped up and surrounded the bed, Louis stayed where he was thinking Harry wouldn't want to see him.

Harry knew where he was, it wasn't that hard to figure out, with all the beeping machines and all. He could feel the damn breathing tube down his own throat for heavens sake, and his right side felt like someone took a baseball bat to it. All he needed to do is open his eyes and let whoever was in the room with him explain what was wrong with him. The problem was he really didn't want to, he just wanted to go back to sleep, but he already made a noise and alerted these people he was awake. So with no other choice he slowly blinked his eyes open, the first person he saw was his sister. He then turned his head slightly and saw Liam and Niall. Why not they were the ones that were with him when his dad found them.
Then his sister shifted and that's when he saw the person he wasn't expecting. Harry's eyes widened when he saw Louis sitting in a chair, looking almost as bad as he felt, his eyes were red rimmed, hair sticking up in different angles, but what shocked him the most was he could literally see him shaking. Even from where he laid, several feet away from the boy sitting in the chair by the wall, Louis was shaking so bad the chair he was in was also moving. And for some reason this upset him more than him being in this bed.
Harry tried to sit up but the pain and Liam stopped him and that pissed him off more. Louis, thinking his presence in the room was what was bothering Harry, got up to leave. Unfortunately that just set Harry off worse causing doctors and nurses to come running into the room.
Jay was the first to realize what the problem was, everywhere Lou went Harry's eyes followed

"Hold on, wait don't tie him down yet." Jay yelled. "Lou, honey, come here." She motioned Lou over.

Lou looked at her oddly but did as she asked. The closer he got to the bed the calmer Harry seemed to get, when he got within reach, Harry reached out grabbed Lou's hand and almost pulled him into the bed with him, the only thing that kept Louis from landing on top of Harry was the hand Lou slammed down on the bed to stop his downward descent.
Even with the breathing tube down his throat, Harry smiled so wide at the startled look on Louis' face, his dimples creased his cheeks making him, in Louis' eyes, adorable dispite the bruises.

"Well, okay that's one way to calm his ass down." Gemma laughed.

Not letting go of Louis Harry flipped her off with the other hand, causing everyone in the room to smile or laugh, even the doctors.

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