Chapter 1: Prologue - Goodbye

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Hi, this is my new kaisoo story and the first thing I am publishing on Wattpad! (Yay!) This story is currently being updated, so this is only the beginning. Enjoy!

Kyungsoo's life has been turned upside-down. He is moving, and the world is officially ending. Well, his world. No, his entire world is ending.

If Kyungsoo focuses really hard, he can remember the comforting sensation of what having a true home feels like. What it smells like even. He misses these things intensely. The sounds and sensations that were once familiar; the same feelings that once made him feel safe and content, the feelings that now only remind him of all that he's now lost.

The gaping hole in his heart where happiness and familiarity once were, is now replaced with disorientation and sadness.

This wasn't his decision, he doesn't want to leave his home, his friends, his life. He wants to stay, but life has its way of turning things around and suddenly ripping the carpet out from under his feet, making him stumble into something new, and completely alien.

He has never in his life felt like he does now. Looking outside the window of his car, watching the trees sway in the wind and rain as if to wave him goodbye. If he squints, he can still he the looming silhouette of his home, the place he grew up. The very same place where he had lived for all of his seventeen years.

He can still remember himself and his childhood friends playing in the grass in front of his house, or that one time he fell on the porch steps and lost both of his front teeth when he was a kid. All of these memories clear as if they happened yesterday. The house itself was a memory bank of his life, having been  constant in all he has ever known, the house that he is now leaving forever.

He packed up his house a few days before, just six weeks after his parents announced that they would be moving. His father's job required him somewhere else, and it was "too good of an opportunity to pass up", they had said. They needed this for their family; they needed the extra money his father would start receiving.

The problem with all this that his parents were never as deeply rooted here as he had been. This wasn't all they had ever known, and while they were sad to be leaving, they didn't even pretend to known what he felt. They just apologized profusely, but there was nothing he could do to change their minds. He knew that.

He just didn't want to believe it.

If only Kyungsoo found his soulmate before he left, then this whole thing wouldn't even be happening. His parents wouldn't force him to leave his home, and he would have someone who has his back no matter what. He wants that. He remembers seeing the tattoos of some people at school. The small black tattoo on their collarbones which mark the exact time in which you meet your soulmate the first time. Ask anyone of his friends and they'll say that Kyungsoo doesn't like soulmates, but secretly, he wants to find his more than anything else.

But here he is. Sitting in the backseat of his car, driving down the street toward his new beginning. He was moving around 4 hours away to Seoul, where his new life would take root.

He watches as the line of trees ends, and he is greeted with and open park and a final view of his high school in the distance. He is sure he will miss that place the most. Even thought it was just a school, he had been there his entire life, and to leave it, to leave everything it had inside, was devastating.

He has gotten the chance to say goodbye to his friends, and was left with promises of constant texts, and skype calls every weekend, especially from his best friend Haneul. He is going to miss him the most.

He is in the middle of his labyrinth of a thought process when he hears his mother trying to get his attention. He looks up, frowning slightly. He had been lost deeply in his thoughts.

"Kyungsoo?" she asks, her tone wary; obviously this isn't the first time she's called his name.

"Yeah?" He responds, meeting her gaze. She frowns sightly, mimicking his expression, though she has a look of concern in her eyes.

"Are you gonna be okay?" she asks softly, her eyes sad. This only serves to make his heart do a painful ache at the realization that; yes, he's actually leaving.

He's quiet for a few moments before casting his eyes downward as he resp0onds a quiet "I don't know".

He doesn't meet his mother's gave for a few seconds, before he decides to look up as she puts her hand out to rest it on his cheek. He was glad for his mother's comfort, and he leans into the touch, his eyes meeting his mother's sad ones.

She rubs his cheek briefly, before removing her hand and leaning forward to share a look with his father.

They don't say anything else for a while, as Kyungsoo continues to watch as the scenery becomes less and less familiar the farther they go. He finds himself lost in thought again as he aimlessly picks at a loose piece of thread from his sweater. It was only then does he notice a distinct itching feeling right under collarbone. He absentmindedly scratches it, as he continues to think, not paying any real attention to the continuing itch.

The four hour car ride stretches out, but somewhere along the way Kyungsoo eventually begins to feel his eyelids drooping as he rests his head on the car door, still staring at the passing scenery.

As his head sinks against the plush armrest, his last glimpse of his previous life is already forgotten as he falls asleep.

Okay, thats the end of chapter 1. I made this chapter purposefully short just to give a glimpse into whats going on, and the next chapters will be longer.

(Btw: Haneul is an oc)

Thanks for reading!

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