Jacob had left me in his gigantic bathroom. The only thing this bathroom was missing was an actual bathtub. He had given me one of his sweatshirts and one of his mother's sweatpants.

I now had to turn off the warm shower, dry myself off and go downstairs to have dinner with Jacob and his parents.


I turned off the shower and then wrapped a towel around my naked body. I dried myself off and put on the clothes. I had even received clean underwear.

Before I left the bathroom, I checked in the mirror to see if I looked decent enough and then made my way downstairs.

"Maddy, please, listen before jumping to conclusions," I heard Jacob's voice say. I immediately froze halfway down the stairs; I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. At that moment a fit of jealousy passed through me, but I waved it off. I was not the jealous type.


"But Jake, I thought that we-" a second voice said. It was obvious that Madeline, a.k.a. Maddy, was crying and for some reason I felt guilty about it.

"Maddy, we had something. You're right and I'm sorry if I let you to believe that what we had would last. That was wrong and I am really sorry. But Maddy, I found my mate-"

"Your mate?" Maddy was crying even more now, loud sobs in between the words.

"My mate." Jacob repeated. "Yes Maddy, I found my mate. But Maddy, there's someone in this world that would treat you like his princess, but I am not that pers-"

"I understand." She mumbled.

"Ah, my daughter in law is here!"

I jumped and looked around to see a grinning Ary standing in front of me.

"Hi," I mumbled, embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping to Jacob's conversation.

"Oh, sweetie, nothing to be worried about." Ary reassured me and grabbed my hand to lead me further down the stairs.

She led us to a room where a big table stood. There were four plates and the table was covered with snacks.

"Shall we eat?" Ary suggested right before she loudly shouted that 'Bernus had to come' and 'Jakeypakey' had to hurry up.


I had been silently sitting at the table for ten minutes, accompanied by Bernus and Ary. Jacob still hadn't come back from his conversation with Maddy and I felt another pang of jealousy. Ary also seemed to be frustrated with Jacob and growled something among the lines of: 'that damn boy never listens'.

A small smile appeared on my lips. Ary was definitely the kind of woman you could laugh with.

We waited for another five minutes before Ary was done waiting and stood up.

"Should I go look?" I quickly asked and also stood up. Ary looked at me questioningly, but Bernus answered before his wife could and pulled Ary back in her chair.

I left the room and followed the voices of Jacob and Maddy.

The sounds left me to a small room, somewhere on the ground floor. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to say 'come in', but no one did.

"Hello?" I tried and knocked again.


"Jacob? Are you in he-" I started but I couldn't finish my sentence before the door flew open and a crying woman around the age of twenty stood in front of me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I softly asked and looked at her with concern.

"A-are you N-Nova?" she sobbed and wiped the tears away.

"Yeah?" my answer sounded more like a question, but it was more than enough for the sad girl in front of me.

"I'm sorry," she whispered before walking past me and leaving the house.

"Nova, sorry I-" Jacob began and I saw the despair in his eyes.

"Jacob, what's going on?" I asked and looked him in the eye: not mad or sad, but genuinely curious.

"That was Maddy." He mumbled.

"No shit."

Jacob chuckled and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Nova."

"For what?"

"For being such a bad mate."

Now it was my turn to laugh softly.

"Jacob, I may not know much about the whole mate thing, but I know one thing for certain: you are everything but a bad mate."

Jacob's entire expression changed and he grinned from ear to ear.

"Nova, I think I love you."


Hand in hand, Jacob and I walked back to Ary and Bernus, who were smiling like villains.

"You're not here to tell me that I'll be a grandmother soon, are you?"

At those words my cheeks glowed red and I looked at Jacob's mother with big eyes.


"Sorry, but Jakey, be realistic: you're almost 21. Under normal circumstances I would have had three grandchildren by now!"

I choked on my own saliva when I heard her say that she would have had three grandchildren under 'normal circumstances' and that Jacob would almost turn 21.


"Ary, this isn't a discussion we should have now. I'm hungry and I want to eat." Bernus eased the situation a bit and gestured for Jacob and I to sit down.

So we both took a seat, I on the other side of Bernus and Jacob on the other side of his mother.

"So...?" Ary started, meaning for me to say my name.

"Shit, sorry!" Nice start, Nova. Real smooth. "I'm Nova Rijn." I smiled sheepishly at my mate's parents.

"Nova Rijn." Bernus repeated my name.

"The one and only."

"So Nova, how old are you, if I may ask?"

"Sixteen, I'll be seventeen in three months."

"That's why." Jacob mumbled.

"That's why what?" I asked, curiously.

"Why I didn't meet you sooner. Normally you find your mate at sixteen, unless your mate isn't sixteen yet." Jacob explained.

"Hmmm..." was my only answer while I put a bite of food in my mouth.

"Do you have a family, Nova?"

At the question Ary asked I choked on the food. I had completely forgotten! My family!

My mother and Jesse would be worried sick!

I started coughing and Jacob immediately tried to help.

"Are you okay, beautifu-" Jacob started but he shut up when he saw the look on my face.

"We will call them tonight." Was all he said before he continued eating, as if I hadn't almost choked to death. 

His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now