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Her: To be honest, I'm not over Chelse, I was never over her. I can't let her go, and every minute I spend with you I'm thinking of her, and I just can't do this anymore, I'm sorry.

*Five minutes of staring at the screen not understanding*

Me: Did you just break up with me...over e-mail?

Her: :/

Me: I don't know what the fuck that means Charolette!

Her: ...

Me: Okay...Alright... uh...I'm just gonna go...

Her: :( I'm sorry

Me: No. You're not.

*Turns off computer*

That night, I cried myself to sleep, screaming and crying into my pillow like I was five years old all over again.

It was over.

She had ended it.

Taken my happiness.

After everything I did for her. All that did for her, I would never be able to take it back, and in my mind, she didn't even have the decency to say it to my face.

I came out of the closet, something that I had been hiding for eight years, all for her, and for her not even to care about me.

Ouch, that was the biggest slap in the face of Freshman year. Falling in love to the point where people would tell you they could see the emotion from your eyes and then getting it taken away for something so stupid that could have been prevented.

She left me.

She left me because I wasn't important.

I was a useless waste of space slut, just like my mom had said.

Nobody cared about me anymore....

Now I just had to find the net chapter of my life.....

That was going to be hard.

I just had to wait for Monday.

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