"Shake Off All Of Your Sins"

Start from the beginning

"Kai," I spoke sweetly as he grinned. "He'll do and so will she." He pointed at my sister who almost squealed...."That if you truly are planning to do what you had decided to do?" What does he mean? My mother nodded lightly. "Now come let's pay our respects to your brother." The were heading towards the graveyard but Nebula had interjected. "Now love I'm tired I'm sure the dead could wait." She said coldly glaring at my mother, I wanted to poke her with my sword. "Nonsense your stupid needs can wait for now I need to pay my respects." He said walking off with my mother. 

"Let's get you ready." Kal grabbed my arm an shoved me through the crowd. "For what?" He laughed. "Why for the feast little bird, we are going to be dinning with southerners and you're gonna meet your future bride, I groaned. "It be better meeting a troll." He chuckled, "Don't worry, with your looks.....well moms looks your child would look good either way, let's just hope it doesn't get her stupidity." One can only hope. 

My mother had truly outdone herself, the feast was the highlight of the year

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My mother had truly outdone herself, the feast was the highlight of the year. The performers danced and sang. The food servings were displayed by the thousands, the sweet smell was almost blinding. It was almost perfect, almost. The cause of this was the Latines. The southern king made a fool of himself while his queen just scowled. Kiera was dancing with her betrothed while I ignored mine. There was supposed to be two girls but I guess the other chose not to show herself. So I stayed outside the feast hall practicing my aim on one of the puppets. The puppets were magical they'd move in actions forcing you to retaliate. Still, they were easy and with an aim like mine it was extraordinary to miss. "You're hitting them ah ll wrong." I turned to see my uncle Lialike all dressed in black, the colors of the Flightends. But I ignored all my doubts and questions as I rushed over to him an hugged him. "What do you mean all wrong I've hit them at all the right places, head, tits, heart, and right on the......."

"You aren't thinking right, too much concentration ain't good for times like this. " I squinted my eyes and sighed Lialike said the most nonsensical of things. "I can't hit if I don't concentrate uncle!" I whined as he started to laugh humorously. "You can't kill them fucks if you don't do it right, you'll hit em but you can't kill me." But my mind had gotten its way around his clothes, "why are dressed like that?"

"So direct didn't my bitch sister ever teach any manors?" I smirked, "if she had you wouldn't have liked me as much. "

"So why is it then......" He frowned and with that I knew one piece of my life wasn't going to be the same. "You'll probably want to kill me but let's make sure you have the right weapon for it." What he took out astonished me it made my heart stop beating altogether. It was a blade the most beautiful blade I had ever seen, not because it was handmade and decorated with carvings but because it was forged with dragons breath. He must have made it himself only our family could ever summon or turn into dragons but it was almost impossible to control it. 

My mother was the only one in a thousand years to control one and even she lost hers, it must have taken Lialike a hell lot of strength and will to complete such a masterpiece. I placed the soft metal it my hands and smiled brighter than I had before. "I see you like it now remember it ain't gonna be that easy to....." I cut him short as I shot the knife to a puppet and watched in awe as it went right through it creating a large hole in the puppets chest. 

"Wow, see now that's what happens when you act freely." I smiled happily at him, my mouth opens to thank him but I realized how far I had been misled. "Now why are you dressed like that?" I knew the answer I just hoped I was wrong. "This be the last time I'd be seeing you, the birds flying on the wall summoned me to them, some demons were sighted. " that got me excited, "so they are alive?" I smirked. 

"Your mother mentioned your fascination with the nonexistent." I rolled my eyes. "They do exist." I enlisted but it was useful once he had something in his mind no force on earth could change it. "I'll tell yah something little bird if I do see them I'd make sure to tell you." I frowned, "I thought you couldn't ever come back once your gone?" He laughed a lot at that. "Oh yeah, and who was gonna stop me." He says walking towards the feast hall, I smiled to myself a part of me wishes that I'd see him again but another part knew things were about to go horribly wrong. "Shake off all of your sins kido there ain't nothin out there that can ever touch you unless you let it. " 

A/N: Hey dear readers this chapter isn't that long I know and doesn't have much drama but trust me the next chapter will be worth everything, I'll be able to upload it this week

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A/N: Hey dear readers this chapter isn't that long I know and doesn't have much drama but trust me the next chapter will be worth everything, I'll be able to upload it this week. One of my absolute favourite songs on tp Empir by the gouges and talent Shakira. 

Oh, and check out 'The Pathetic Stranger' I wrote it with my friend Anushka if you want to read it access her account ---------> blackistakenbyme . 

Also, check ouAnotherPotterhead101 . 

_Love RNB_ 

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