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* A U T H O R ' S      N O T E *

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

* A U T H O R ' S      N O T E *

First things first, before you all question me on the characters and plot being similar to my other book 'THE FALLEN REBEL' I must warn you that I had originally written that book as a fantasy novel but changed it (don't ask me why I did). This book is the fantasy version of the story and T.F.B is the thriller/mystery version. This book, whoever is easier to understand and includes a lot of detail into the characters whilst in T.F.R I went straight into the plot.

Now that that's done lets get to business, this story is purely fantasy, and you may or may not like the characters in this, and most of the time you won't like the end cause it isn't always going to be happy, and I really hate those people who command me to write an ending based on their interests, I'm more than happy to hear your thoughts, but please do not demand me to change things this is my story and it goes the way I want it to go. If any of you are going to post hate comments, they will be deleted and I will further more block you(and yes that is very much possible as I have recently found out).

This is the first book in a series of at least three books, you can if you like just stop with this one. The language in this is very easy to understand but I have a habit of portraying things poetically so some parts you might not get, feel free to ask me I don't bite very hard. 

If you are still with me, I'd like to thank each and every one of you. This story is very close to my heart and I hope it will benefit you as well.

 This story is very close to my heart and I hope it will benefit you as well

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

* P R O L O G U E *

The blood dripped off the ice cold walls as often as winters snow. The rotten smell wasn't as bad as it had been last summer, still, it sends shivers upon the passing strangers. It was cold, colder than what most would have imagined, and along with ice came fire. This was where the devil lived, with his sinful eyes and cold hands, with his broken bones and frozen figure, at least that's what the outsiders would say. To them, the borders were like fire, impossible to touch without getting burnt. Their eyes wondered onto each part of the great structure, sticking needles in their eyes with every glass.

The ice was sharp almost sharp enough to slice through bones, some were lighter than feathers, others heavier than an elephants tusk. Their golden red cloaks blew in the wind, their hand printed gold hilts glistened in the dark. They showed out, they weren't like the northerners, they were southern, and they didn't belong. And the devil was the only one sure of it.

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