Frustrated he gestured to the barman for a top up, before turning back to him, "it's so BLOODY frustrating!"

He'd never had time for Daniel, though Marcus had always worshipped his younger brother. Unlike his friend, the younger and overindulged brother hadn't worked for anything. He had fallen out of university into a job in his father's business, since then he'd been work shy and arrogant. Joel had never been part of his fan club, but for some reason the Turner family saw him very differently. Scowling he snatched at the whisky when it was placed in front of him.

"I've never seen you so...emotional. What's the deal with this guy?"

Joel shrugged, "you know how Marcus was, generous to the point of ridiculous. He was always buying drinks, meals, throwing his money around..."

"I know I've been dealing with the backlash of that for years."

He laughed, "but it was never in a 'look at me' way, he just loved making people happy, sharing things...but Daniel...I could tell you in great detail about fifteen times that I can remember in detail that he called Marcus on a weekend to bail him out of some mess or another." He shook his head, "lost his father's Mercedes playing poker...had a party that ruined the lounge of a house he rented as a student, he even cried to him to pay for a termination when he got his best friend's girlfriend pregnant."

"Sounds like a right charmer!" Toby rolled his eyes.

Joel ran a hand through his hair, "but since he got out of Uni he's just been lazy. I didn't think he had bothered Marcus, I thought he was at least starting to grow up."

The other man sipped thoughtfully at his drink, "so what's he done do you think?"

Joel only wished he knew, Marcus had nothing left, that much was blatantly obvious, despite the fact that he'd embezzled tens of thousands from their business. Joel remembered the moment he realised that their business account was emaciated, that there were huge withdrawals that he couldn't account for. Marcus had always been generous, but also useless with managing money, Joel had always taken on that role in the business, that was why he was so angry.

It was only a couple of months before their wedding; Joel had presumed that the wedding was becoming more and more expensive. If he'd needed the money he'd have gladly given it, that was why he'd been so surprised at him stealing it.

Before he'd had chance to confront him Toby had phoned him, explained several deals had fallen through, well worked and lucrative deals. As he was driving to Marcus and Sammy's apartment, he'd had the call that had made him feel sick. In some way Marcus had jeopardised the deals, it was down to him.

Joel had felt a knife of pain in his chest as he'd approached his best friend's home.

"There's money missing...from the account."

He'd blurted out the words where more tact and diplomacy was needed, and Marcus had reacted defensively. "You think I've stolen? From the business we BOTH set up? Is that what you're suggesting?"

Was it a case of him protesting too much that he'd snapped so readily? Joel had taken is a sign that he knew exactly what was going on. But even then he hadn't wanted to accuse him of something so heinous.

"We need to sort it. I need you in work tomorrow morning to work it through."

"It's Saturday. I have to..."

Joel had shaken his head, "we HAVE to find out what's going wrong."

At that moment Sammy appeared from the direction of the bedroom, wrapped in a huge towelling robe, another towel wrapped around her head.

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