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he loved pizza, it was literally all he ate.

other than kayla.

the friendzone bullshit was over and the relationship bullshit was in.

now, michael knew that sometimes when you change from friends to girlfriends the entire concept of everything changes, but michael promised himself that nothing would change.

that being said they'd decided-last minute-that they were going to drive to the mountains. kayla's parents had a house up there that they could stay at for the weekend. or the entire summer, considering yesterday was the last day of school-ever.

michael was nineteen, kayla was eighteen. it's not like their parents could do much to stop them.

really the only way to stop them from going would be threatening to take away their gaming consoles.

they'd literally die without those.

"so mikey, we're going up a mountain how do you feel?"

"i feel like we own the world, like we're the air and well always be everywhere."

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