Chapter 6

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(Written by Sarah)

I kept trying to watch the movie but I couldn't focus on the large screen. I looked over at Dallas, flirting with the redheaded devil. I only call her the devil because it's her fault Johnny dies and everything else that happens. Appearing out of what seemed like no where, popcorn was handed to me by fragile hands.

"Thanks Johnny!" I said while shoving my mouth full of the crunchy snack. Pony was staring at Cherry, jealousy bubbled in my chest, but why? I glanced at Johnny, he was focused on the bright, happy beach movie.

"Okay! All right. I'll go. I know when I'm not wanted." I heard Dally say as he got up and left. Suddenly, Cherry started to talk to Ponyboy as if I didn't exist. I sat there silent, used to this because of school. Next thing I knew, Dal was bsck and handing out Cokes.

"Here, I thought this might cool you off." He stated while handing her a drink. She threw the Coke at him, most of it ending up on me.

"Maybe that'll cool you off, greaser! And maybe when you learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off too." She snarled at him, obviously in a bad mood.

"Firey, huh?" Dally chuckled, leaning in to kiss her.

"Leave her alone, Dal." Johnny said while standing up.

"What'd you say to me? What'd you say to me you little shit?" Dallas growled lowly, then added, "Wise ass." And walked away, ready to beat the living shit out of something. I started to finally watch the movie again, when Pony and Johnny got up and sat in front of me, between Cherry and Marcia. I had a sick feeling in my stomach as they talked.

"So, what's your name?" Cherry asked, seemingly flirty.

"Ponyboy Curtis." He stated, fidgeting in the seat.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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