Chapter 5

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(Written by Me)

I sat there shocked, Pony's hand still placed on my knee. What did he mean by that? I didn't understand but, I'll try to figure it out.

"What do you mean you love me?" Ponyboy seemed uneasy, but he sighed and said, "I know we just met but I really really like you, Miranda." I blushed. No experience with boys means I have no clue what to do in this situation. I just sat there on his bed, thinking over and over about my own feelings. I don't know what to do! Do I say I like him back, which I actually do, or do I lie because, well, he's a fictional book character?

"I... I like you too, Pony." I looked out the window, the sun was setting. I heard quick paced footsteps coming close to the door.

"Hey, lovebirds, want to go to the movies?" I nodded happily and we, Johnny, Dal, Pony, and I, exited the house and went to the movies and an all too familiar fence came into view. 'Oh no...' I think as I went under the fence through the hole in the bottom. I glimpsed at Sherry and Marcia, they slightly smiled at me, but frowned at Dallas.

"Are you a natural redhead?" Dally mumbled, smelling Sherry or Cherry's wavy hair.

"Miranda, do you want some popcorn?" Johnny asked politely. I gave a small grin and nodded, my hair getting into my eyes. Pony brushed the stray hairs behind my ear and chuckled.

"Oh shoot, it's a beach movie!" I laughed, finally looking at the screen.

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